Addiction is something that many people turn a blind eye until it strikes their family, friends, or themselves. When it does happen, there are proven treatments from a Malibu, CA addiction treatment specialist as well as solutions that help everyone cope with the worst of addictions. Therapy is one of those solutions and it shows promise in the lives of many who thought addiction would take everything.

Therapy can be done in groups or one on one based on the patient as well as their support system. These sessions show people techniques to help in their recovery and various techniques will also aid them in avoiding situations that can cause a relapse. Some people do well with groups as they can share and get support from others. One on one therapy may be needed depending on someone’s state of mind particularly if they are mentally fragile at the time.

Twelve Steps toward Acceptance

Twelve-step therapy consists of groups of people who are all working to end addiction to a substance; the therapy uses acceptance, surrender, and involvement in a group. For acceptance, the person needs to acknowledge the addiction in addition to the hold it has on them. In surrender situations, they give up themselves to work with the group. The most important part of involvement is going to the meeting and doing things with the group.

Cognitive behavior therapy or CBT is widely used and found to be successful in treatment. People are taught to recognize behaviors that have the potential to cause them trouble and these behaviors can be changed at that point. Knowing what to do in a situation that can bring on a relapse makes a difference. What is learned by using cognitive behavior therapy will assist someone for the rest of their lives. It also benefits those around them who may assist in cementing the best techniques towards beating the addiction.

Addicts Approach Recovery

Outside Help Makes A Difference

Animal-assisted therapy is good for a recovering person. Pets have been found in studies to help a person’s mental health as well as the recovery process. This therapy gives a sense of caring and strengthens the connection to others the animal ends feelings of loneliness which can lead a person back to addiction. Support animals can be brought to patients or those with stable support systems and a healthy respect for animals can consider pet adoption from local shelter as well as rescue groups.

The Matric model uses many ways to reach a person and help them change. In this case, therapists work on positive feelings, not negative. Counselors, as well as officials, teach about addiction and how not to relapse. Each step forward a person takes is rewarded with what matters most as they move away from these dangerous addictions. The therapist bolsters esteem and encouragement.

Preventing Dangerous Situations

Harm reduction brings the element of safety into the treatment of an individual. Many addictions are associated with dangerous behaviors; these behaviors are like sharing needles or driving after drinking. This type of therapy reduces the dangers that people can have during their addiction. Some ways of reducing danger can be needle exchange programs, reduction of drugs being used, or safe rides home for those using substances that could impair driving.