5 Signs You Should Do Root Canal Therapy

3 min read

Dental hygiene is vital to your health. One of the best ways to keep track of your dental care is by getting a routine dental check-up from Lyons family dentistry. Sometimes your dentist might recommend root canal therapy if you have signs of a tooth infection.

In a root canal treatment, the infected pulp of a tooth is removed, and the inside of the tooth is cleaned and disinfected. Once the infected pulp has been removed, your dentist will fill the empty space in your tooth with a material that closely resembles your natural teeth. If you ever have any symptoms of a tooth infection, you should immediately consult with your family dentist.

5 Signs You Should Do Root Canal Therapy

Here are some signs that may mean that you need root canal therapy.

  • An abscess or pimple on the gums

An infection in the soft tissue of your gums can be a sign that a tooth is infected, and you may need root canal therapy. You will find abscesses or pimples on the gums. In addition, you might also see swelling, and sometimes a foul odor or taste may appear. If you notice any of these symptoms, you must consult a family dentist.

  • Swelling or redness around your teeth

Tenderness, swelling, and redness are sure signs that something is wrong. You might feel uncomfortable when teeth or gums are touched. Your dentist might want to take an X-ray of your mouth to better investigate the infection. He may recommend that you have root canal therapy to manage your infection.

  • Sensitivity to hot and cold food

Sensitivity to hot and cold food is another sign of tooth infection. You might feel pain when you bite or chew. In addition, you might also see increased pain and tenderness if hot or cold food items are placed in your mouth. The problem is that you cannot simply treat a tooth infection with over-the-counter pain medicines. You should consult your family dentist right away.

  • Severe toothache pain

Severe toothache is another sign of tooth infection. You may experience sharp pain in your gums, teeth, or jawbone. Your dentist will want to examine the impacted tooth and examine whether it needs to be extracted or restored.

  • Swelling or tenderness

Another symptom of tooth infection is swelling and tenderness in your gum or jaw. This can be a sign that you have an abscessed tooth. Swollen and tender gums might cause pain when you chew or eat food.

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