Receive Immediate Medical Care With Emergency Medicine

Sometimes you may get an illness or an injury requiring immediate medical care to prevent complications. In such cases, an emergency room should be your first stop. Dr. Andrew Chow and his team at Triad Primary Care prioritize your health by offering emergency medicine for severe medical conditions.

Comprehending emergency medicine

According to medical experts, emergency medicine is a specialty that focuses on preventing, treating, and managing an unprecedented illness or injury. Emergency medicine providers undergo vigorous training on how to handle acute injuries or diseases that can potentially lead to irreversible damage or even loss of life. The severity of your injury or illness determines whether you need to remain at the emergency room for monitoring or can recuperate at home. Emergency medicine doctors at Trad Primary Care utilize cutting-edge technology to diagnose and treat acute illnesses and injuries to ensure that you have a quick recovery.

Services that emergency medicine doctors offer

Emergency physicians evaluate and treat patients of all ages, including infants and seniors, in the emergency room, regardless of their injury or disease type. They focus on stabilizing your health before developing an elaborate treatment plan. These specialists have vast knowledge in different areas of medicine, including dermatology, psychiatry, cardiology, neurology, and pulmonology.

 If you have a severe medical disorder like a heart attack or are unconscious, the team will begin treatment and focus on relieving your symptoms to avoid any other complications. Emergency medicine specialists are trained to handle several patients simultaneously, prioritizing those with life-threatening symptoms. The amount of time you spend in an emergency room relies on the severity of your medical condition. The team may refer you to trauma surgeons for emergency surgery if you need surgery. Although many think that trauma surgeons and emergency medicine doctors offer the same services, they have separate roles.

Comprehending emergency medicine

When to visit an emergency medicine doctor

If you were in a severe accident, the team might transfer you to an emergency department in an ambulance. Sometimes you may be unaware of when to visit an emergency room or not. If you have trouble breathing, call 911. Other breathing concerns that require emergency treatment include an asthma attack that doesn’t improve with an inhaler, signs of blocked airways such as tightness in your chest and throat, and the inability to take deep breaths. Contact the nearest emergency room if you also have a head injury resulting in confusion or fainting. Heavy bleeding that doesn’t respond to home remedies is also reason enough to visit an emergency medicine physician. If your medical problem is not life-threatening, consider visiting an urgent care facility that can handle rashes, severe flu or colds, migraine headaches, and ear infections.

How an emergency room functions

Unless you are brought in an ambulance, you may need to check in with the medical assistants who will collect your insurance numbers, address, and name. You may also have to describe your symptoms so the staff can determine how to prioritize your medical needs. Call the Triad Primary Care office or the online scheduling button for emergency services to create an appointment.

What are Ovarian Cysts?

What are Ovarian Cysts?

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that grow on or in the ovaries. They can be benign (noncancerous) or malignant (cancerous). A benign cyst does not spread to other parts of the body. If it stays in one place, there is no risk of ovarian cancer. Sometimes benign Garden City ovarian cysts rupture, causing inflammation in the area.

The most common types of benign ovarian cysts are:

Follicular cysts: These occur when a follicle, the sac that surrounds an egg during ovulation, doesn’t release its egg, and it forms a sac filled with fluid. These cysts usually go away on their own after several months.

Endometriosis: These cysts are caused by endometrial tissue growing outside the uterus. Usually found in women who have had children, they may cause pain, especially before and during periods.

The most common type of malignant ovarian cyst is called a dermoid cyst. It contains hair, tissue, teeth, and other body parts. The only way to tell if a dermoid is cancerous is to open it up.

What causes ovarian cysts?

The exact cause of ovarian cysts is unknown. However, some ovarian cysts are thought to be caused by menstrual irregularities and other factors such as hormonal imbalances or autoimmune disorders. Women are more likely to develop an ovarian cyst after menopause than they are during their childbearing stage.

What are the symptoms of ovarian cysts?

In most cases, ovarian cysts do not cause symptoms and often go undetected unless they rupture. When they do cause symptoms, they usually present in the following ways:

Garden City ovarian cysts

  1. Breast tenderness

 A fluid-filled sac within the ovary presses against one of its blood vessels, causing breast tenderness. Sometimes this causes a woman to feel as though she has breast cancer which is generally much less painful and to fear the worst. However, if you experience breast tenderness and other symptoms of ovarian cysts, you are likely suffering from an ovarian cyst.

  1. Abdominal pain

 Some ovarian cysts may cause dull abdominal pain, similar to menstrual cramps that occur every month before menstruation begins. This type of ovarian cyst is known as an endometrioma because it contains remnants of the uterine lining growing outside the uterus (endometrium). The pain can range from mild to severe.

  1. Painful intercourse

Painful intercourse is often described as a dull ache or cramping but can also be extremely painful. The pain can be sharp or stabbing and may begin after penetration and continue throughout sex. The pain is typically felt deep inside the pelvis and may radiate to the lower abdomen, back or thighs.

The severity of these symptoms largely depends on how large the cyst is. Ovarian cysts can range in size from very small, about the size of a pea, to very large, several inches across. Smaller cysts are harmless, but larger ones can cause pain in the lower abdomen or pelvic area and bleed from the vagina.

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled, benign masses that develop due to functional or structural changes in the ovary, most commonly during women’s childbearing years. The diagnosis can be challenging because some symptoms of ovarian cysts, such as breast tenderness, are common to many other conditions. Additionally, some women do not experience any symptoms and may be unaware they have a problem. If you are experiencing ovarian cysts symptoms, look for experts at Women’s Healthcare of Garden City, and they will help you.