Untitled Pregnancy

Untitled Pregnancy after Birth Control document

Birth Control Effects

Many women find themselves in this scenario: they have been using birth control for some time and they’ve finally decided that it’s the right time to have a baby. However, they are not sure how the long-term use of birth control might have affected their ability to conceive. Generally, there are no negative effects on your fertility after using birth control for a while. In some cases, where you’ve been using a method that has the hormones progestin and estrogen, it might take you a bit longer to conceive. However, you can still get pregnant after you’ve stopped using any Arlington contraception methods.

Stopping Birth Control

Until you’re ready to get pregnant, don’t stop using birth control methods. The body doesn’t need time to get back to its original patterns, and it’s very possible to conceive a month after stopping birth control. If you are not ready to get pregnant and you still want to stop using hormonal birth control, replace it with another method such as condoms.

Barrier methods like condoms or diaphragms are useful but as soon as you have sex without them, it’s possible to get pregnant. However, your health, especially your genes and lifestyle habits play a huge role in how long you’ll wait before getting pregnant. Additionally, some birth control methods have more impact than others do.

Stopping Birth Control

Birth Control Types

You are still able to get pregnant within one to three months after stopping hormonal birth control pills. A majority of women can get pregnant within a year. If you’ve been using a minipill, chances of getting pregnant a few days or weeks after stopping usage are high. The minipill doesn’t stop conception by stopping ovulation but by thinning out the uterine wall. As soon as you stop taking the minipill, the uterine wall thickens again, making pregnancy a possibility.

If you’ve been using an intrauterine device (IUD), and the doctor removes it, it’s possible to get pregnant right away. Although pregnancy happens within 6 months to a year after removal, women usually begin ovulating one month after removal. The same applies to an implant. Most women begin ovulating within the first month after the doctor removes an implant. If you’re using a birth control patch or vaginal ring, you’re likely to ovulate within one to three months after removal.

It may be harder to get pregnant after stopping injectable birth control. It usually takes more than ten months before you can start ovulating. Thus, if you want to use birth control but still have hopes of having children in the future, don’t consider this method.

Ovulating Again

If you’ve been using hormonal birth control methods, it might be a few months before you start ovulating, because this method affects your hormonal balance. It will take your body some time before it can adjust to its pre-birth control state. However, you can still get pregnant before having your periods. In fact, if you have sex immediately after you’ve stopped birth control, and it so happened that you were ovulating, you may get pregnant. If you recently stopped using birth control, had unprotected sex and you still haven’t seen your periods, get a pregnancy test. Getting a period is far less important than ovulating. You can only get pregnant when one of your ovaries releases an egg, and that’s all that matters.

Dental Care During Pregnancy

Did you know that the hormonal changes caused by pregnancy increase the risk of developing several oral infections, which, in turn, can affect your baby’s growth and development? The most common dental infections include pregnancy tumors, tooth decay, and gum diseases that can result in excessive swelling and bleeding in the mouth.

This is one primary reason why pregnancy is considered to be a crucial time for women to maintain their oral health as it is directly related to the excellent overall health of both the mother and the baby.

Here are a few helpful tips to ensure proper dental care during pregnancy, as well as before and after you’ve had your baby.

Before Pregnancy

It is very important for you to take good care of your teeth and gums before getting pregnant. There is a high risk of periodontal disease in pregnant women that can significantly lead to increased risks of premature birth. However, there are a few basic things you can do to greatly minimize this risk.

Dental Care During Pregnancy

  • Brush your teeth twice a day with a soft toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.
  • Make an appointment with your dentist for a dental checkup.
  • Get your teeth professionally cleaned to treat any impending oral disease or infection.

During Pregnancy

The importance of dental care during pregnancy cannot be emphasized enough. Most dental treatments are safe during pregnancy, but if you are hesitant, you can follow a few steps to avoid the need for risky dental procedures.

  • Thoroughly clean your gums and teeth every day.
  • Floss your teeth at least once a day.
  • Make sure to brush your teeth before and after breakfast, as well as before going to bed.
  • Rinse your mouth between meals with lukewarm water.
  • Avoid consuming excessive sugary snacks to prevent the risk of tooth decay.
  • Pay close attention to any possible changes in your gums or teeth while you are pregnant.
  • Go for regular dental checkups, especially in the case of tender or sensitive gums.
  • In the case of morning sickness, ask your dentist to recommend bland-tasting toothpaste options.
  • Rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash every time you vomit.

After Pregnancy 

Once you have successfully delivered your baby, you must continue your oral care and hygiene routine. Even though your hormones go back to normal post-pregnancy, a good dental routine is still necessary. There are a few essential tips that you can follow to maintain healthy gums and teeth.

  • Continue your dental visits for oral examinations.
  • In case you need any treatment or medication, make sure to inform your dentist if you are a nursing mother.
  • Keep brushing and flossing your teeth daily, at least twice a day.
  • Avoid excessive amounts of caffeine and sugary snacks.
  • Make sure to follow a good diet because that can greatly affect your oral health post-delivery.
  • Get a full mouth examination done in case you experienced any major gum problems during pregnancy.

Final Word

Oral health and hygiene is extremely vital at all times, but most importantly, during pregnancy because it is directly tied to the newborn’s health. Therefore, you should adopt a proper dental hygiene routine to keep yourself and your baby safe.

protein shakes for weight loss 

The Best Weight Loss Protein Shake

A protein shake provides a healthy meal replacement or supplement to help you maintain a balanced diet. People believed that the use of protein really promotes muscle development, and muscles burn a lot of fat compared to any part of the body. Protein shakes are becoming increasingly popular among athletes and people who want to eat right and lose weight. Filled with protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, food substitutes are an affordable and useful way to get rid of fat and build muscle.

A protein shake, make sure it has a lot of natural ingredients and fewer unnatural supplements. High protein shakes for weight loss instantly become famous among athletes and individuals. Adequate consumption provides sufficient growth. Shaking a meal replacement allows us all to practice healthy eating. Drinks typically contain protein and fiber.

The only thing needed for meal replacement drinks is that they must afford the dietary equivalent of a meal replacement. They often have low amounts of fats and carbohydrates. This makes protein a logical, essential component of any weight loss shake. Also, it suppresses your cravings, as if you usually eat. These fluids will give you a fuller sensation so that you do not feel the urge to eat unhealthy foods.

Replacements are readily developed for portion control, low in fat, low in calories and nutritionally balanced. Your body also requires several vitamins and minerals. Adding multivitamins will deliver any nutrients lost from your smoothie or regular meal.

You can use them directly because you do not need to count calories or worry about what foods to eat – all this is done for you. A healthy diet should include a large proportion of whole, unprocessed foods, less dietary fat and sugar, and a significant amount of protein.

protein shakes for weight loss 

Protein Shake Benefits

The significant advantage is that you can digest a shake faster than eating food.

Shaking is excellent for after a workout during the recovery window, and adding shaking is quick and easy.

Provides a low-calorie, high-protein version that increases metabolism.

Shake works well for people who are not used to having breakfast.

They are easy to use because you don’t need to count calories or worry about what foods to eat – that’s all for you.

It helps maintain balance in the diet and get all the essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids, as well as nutrients for the body.

The cost of your food is often approximately equal to the value of the food you would buy anyway.

The great advantage of making slimming cocktails is its softness.

Thus, protein is an excellent supplement for building muscle. The body does not absorb all types of proteins equally, so the protein requirement of most users is already satisfied in a healthy diet by adding a protein powder diet that suits you. So you can easily add a protein shake to replace your meal.

Abnormal Gynecologic Bleeding

Abnormal Gynecologic Bleeding: Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Abnormal vaginal bleeding occurs after sex, after menopause, or even between menstrual periods. Menstrual bleeding that is heavier than normal or lasts longer than seven days may also be considered abnormal bleeding. Therefore, if you have such an issue, it is imperative for you to seek the assistance of a Frisco gynecology expert for diagnosis and treatment. You can expect the doctor to perform a pelvic exam, physical exam, and do other tests to determine if you are pregnant or if you possibly have a sexually transmitted infection. Imaging tests, such as transvaginal ultrasound, endometrial biopsy, Pelvic MRA, or ultrasound of the uterus may also be done to help with diagnosis.

Causes of Abnormal Bleeding

There are a number of things that can cause abnormal bleeding. Pregnancy is one of the most common causes. Fibroids or polyps in the uterus are also known to cause bleeding. In some rare cases, abnormal bleeding may result from issues such as cancer of the uterus, infection of the cervix, or even a thyroid problem.

In most women, abnormal bleeding is caused by hormone imbalances. When the problem has to do with hormones, it is usually known as DUB abnormal bleeding or dysfunctional uterine bleeding. This type of abnormal bleeding mostly affects women approaching menopause or teenagers. Abnormal bleeding among women who are past menopause is usually caused by hormone replacement therapy. Clearly, although abnormal bleeding can affect women of all ages, its causes can vary depending on age.

Abnormal Gynecologic Bleeding


When you go to your doctor with symptoms of abnormal bleeding, the doctor may order a number of tests depending on your age. For instance, if there is a chance that you could be pregnant, then you may have to undergo a pregnancy test. If your periods are heavier or longer than usual, you may have to undergo a blood count test. If your blood count is lower than normal, it could lead to anemia or iron deficiency. The pelvic area may also have to be examined through ultrasound or other imaging tests to see what could be causing excessive bleeding.


Depending on the cause of abnormal bleeding, the patient’s age, and whether the patient wants to get pregnant in the near future or not, there are a number of ways in which abnormal bleeding can be treated. For instance, if the issue is heavy bleeding during periods, it can be treated with birth control pills, which can prevent the lining of the uterus from becoming too thick. Other possible treatments for abnormal bleeding include hysterectomy, dilatation and curettage, and Endometrial ablation, among others.

The Takeaway

Overall, it is apparent that abnormal bleeding is quite a prevalent issue among women of all ages, and it can result from a number of causes, some of which can be quite serious. Luckily, it is a problem that can be treated. Therefore, it is imperative for people experiencing the issue to seek the assistance of a reliable OB/GYN for diagnosis and treatment. If you are looking for a dependable OB/GYN to help you in dealing with abnormal bleeding problems, Centennial OBGYN PA is the best facility to visit. Feel free to contact them today for more information about their services.

CBD Oils

The Strengths of CBD Oil

Cannabidiol (CBD) oil is a cannabis-derived drug. It is a form of cannabinoid that is the chemicals found in marijuana plants naturally. Although it comes from marijuana plants, CBD does not generate a “rush” result or any sort of addiction— induced by another cannabinoid, identified as THC.

Here are 6 Benefits of CBD Oil

  • Relief for depression

CBD may be able to help you control your anxiety. Researchers believe that Trusted sources may affect the way your brain receptors respond to serotonin, a chemical related to mental health. Receptors are small proteins that are connected to your cells that receive chemical messages and help your cells react to various stimuli. You can get more information here therebelchick.com

  • Reducing pressure
  • Reducing physical distress results, such as elevated heart rate
  • Improving comment-traumatic stress disorder (CTSD) has an impact on anxiety affecting fatigue.
  • Anti-contamination
  • CBD has historically been a treatment option for epilepsy in the media. Research is at its start. Researchers were studying how much CBD can reduce the number of seizures and how successful it is for people with epilepsy. The American Epilepsy Society states that cannabidiol treatment offers hope for seizure disorders and that research is currently underway to better understand safe use.
  • Protective neuropathy

Researchers are looking at a brain-based receptor to discover how CBD can help people with neurodegenerative disorders, which are illnesses that lead the brain and nerves to deteriorate over time. This transmitter is named CB1.

CBD Oils

Inflammation that can cause neurodegenerative symptoms worse could also be minimized by CBD oil. To better understand the CBD oil benefits on neurodegenerative diseases, more research needs to be done.

  • Relief for pain

The influence of CBD oil on your brain’s receptors may also help you manage the discomfort. Research has shown that during chemotherapy treatments, marijuana can provide certain benefits. Certain pre-clinical studies funded by the National Health Institutes often explore the function of marijuana in alleviating symptoms induced by:

  • Chronic pain
  • spinal cord injuries
  • muscle pain
  • Anti-acne medication

CBD’s impact on the immune system’s receptors can help reduce overall body inflammation. In addition, CBD oil can provide benefits for treating acne. A human study conducted in the Clinical Investigation Review showed that the oil inhibited sebaceous gland development. These glands produce sebum, a natural oily substance that hydrates the skin. Nonetheless, too much sebum could contribute to acne.

  • Treatment for cancer

Several experiments also studied the function of CBD in preventing the growth of cancer cells, but work is still in its early stages. The National Cancer Institute Trusted Source (NCI) says CBD can help relieve symptoms of cancer and side effects of cancer treatment. Nevertheless, the NCI does not fully endorse any form of cannabis as a cancer treatment. The positive role of CBD in treating cancer is its potential to reduce inflammation and improve how cells replicate. CBD has the effect of reducing the reproductive capacity of certain types of tumor cells.

Diabetic Foot Care

Diabetic Foot Care Tips

Diabetes can be absolutely unkind to the feet. Even a small injury can lead to severe consequences. Diabetes is also known to damage the nerves, and this can take away feelings in the affected foot. It may also interrupt the flow of blood to the feet, which can make it harder for injured or ill areas to resist infections or even heal. Due to these issues, it may be impossible for you to feel when there are foreign objects in your shoes, meaning that a sore or even a blister may develop without your knowledge. Consequently, you could get an infection that may refuse to heal, and it may eventually put you at risk of amputation. Below are some tips for diabetic foot care in Las Vegas.

Daily Inspection

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, you have to remember that slight foot injuries can put you at risk of amputation. Therefore, it is imperative for you to carefully inspect your feet every day. You can even use a magnifying mirror to check the bottom of the feet. If you notice anything suspicious, it is imperative for you to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Keep Your Feet Clean and Dry

Your feet are always at risk of infections. Therefore, if you have diabetes, it is wise for you to keep your feet clean and dry. Clean your feet with lukewarm water and dry them before you put on your shoes; do not use your foot to test hot water. Remember that diabetes damages nerves, and hot water can cause severe burns without you realizing it.

Diabetic Foot Care


Cut the Nails Carefully

When you have diabetes, even the slightest injuries can lead to severe problems, including imputation. Therefore, it is imperative for you to be very careful when cutting your nails. Avoid cutting them too short to avoid ingrown toenails. If you have any concerns, ensure that you see your doctor as soon as possible.

Don’t Treat Corns on Your Own

If you have calluses or corns, avoid treating them on your own. Instead, visit your doctor for appropriate treatment.

Be Easy on Your Feet

Of course, you can significantly benefit from physical exercise if you have diabetes. However, you have to engage in exercises that are easy on the feet to avoid injuries. Therefore, jumping and bouncing may not be good for your feet. However, you can default to other options such as swimming and walking.

The Takeaway

Overall, it is apparent that if you have diabetes, it is imperative for you to know that even small foot injuries may not heal easily. They may develop to more complicated challenges that may even cost you your foot. Therefore, it is necessary for you to learn to take good care of your feet and even have a doctor that you can contact if you see anything suspicious. If you are looking for a reliable doctor to help you with diabetic foot care, Battle Born Bone & Joint Center is the answer. Feel free to contact them today for more information about their services.


Tips for Picking a Dentist

Are you looking for a new dentist? Maybe you switched jobs, moved, or you just want a change. If you have been searching for a dental clinic, you have probably realized that there are so many of them. Unfortunately, finding one that is best for you and your entire family can be quite a daunting task. This is because although there are numerous dental care providers, only a few of them have what it takes to offer top quality services at your best convenience. Below are some of the tips that you can count on to choose the right South Elgin dentist.

Primary Care Doctor’s Referral

If you have a family doctor that you trust, you can ask them for referrals to reliable dentists. Your primary care provider most likely has a rich network of local dentists to which he can connect you. The idea is to have a long list of reliable dentists from which you can pick the best.


Of course, you want a dentist that is as close to your workplace or home as possible. This can help to make your visits more convenient. For instance, you may want to visit the dentist before going to work, during lunch break, or late in the evening on your way home. You can search the internet for dental clinics near your location and list them for consideration.


Online Reviews

Before settling for any given dentist, you should check their online reputation. These days, it is easy to know what other people have experienced in the hands of any dental clinic by simply looking for online reviews. It is hard to find the perfect dentist, but it is wise to avoid those about which a lot of people are complaining.

Range of Services

Of course, you do not want to settle for a dentist who cannot solve most, if not all, dental issues that you have or you may develop. Therefore, before you settle for any particular dentist, it is important for you to go to their website and see the list of services that they offer. The more exhaustive the list of services offered, the better.

Visit and Book an Appointment

Once you have narrowed down your list to just a few dentists, you can make a point of scheduling an appointment with them and even visiting them. During your first visit, you should be very keen on the general appearance of the clinics, including their cleanliness. You should also take note of the attitude of their staff. If a clinic is not neat or you can’t get along with its team, avoid it.

The Takeaway

Overall, it is apparent that there are a number of tips you can count on to get the best. If you are looking for a reliable dentist, Pro Dental Care is the answer. Over the years, they have provided dozens of satisfied patients with a broad range of dental services, and you can count on their experience and professionalism to get the best dental care for yourself and your entire family.

Elderly health care Hong Kong

More About Elder Care And Rehabilitation

Elderly care and rehabilitation services are designed for seniors who live alone, are sick, have disabilities, or cannot care for themselves. Rehabilitation refers to the gradual process of restoring a person’s physical and mental abilities. The rehabilitation centers for the elderly mainly aim to improve the lives of these elderly. Psychology plays a vital role in rehabilitation programs. Caregivers at rehabilitation centers take a psychological approach to treating patients. The goal of each rehabilitation program is to help the victim lead a healthy and active life. Traditional rehabilitation strategies, along with social contacts, can help increase patient participation in these programs.

Elderly health care Hong Kong concerns care and other issues related to the elderly. Aging, characterized by poor health, makes the elderly dependent on others even when doing daily activities. Through appropriate care services for seniors, we can help improve the lives of our seniors. People who care for the elderly should be selected after a thorough examination, making sure that the necessary care is provided to patients. A variety of rehabilitation Hong Kong for the elderly is available, such as pulmonary rehabilitation, cardiac rehabilitation, etc. When looking for a rehabilitation center, make sure it is the right institution and that your loved ones will receive proper care and attention.

Elderly care services aim to meet the personal and social needs of the older generation. Elderly care services combine care management with elderly care. Care and rehabilitation services for the elderly provide comfortable and safe accommodation in a loving and safe environment for a long time.

Elderly health care Hong Kong

Elderly patients in rehabilitation centers, away from their relatives, yearn for excellent communication, and want to discuss their joys and sorrows. Caregivers should be able to listen and interact with them patiently. In today’s busy life with the younger generation living away from their work needs, the demand for nursing homes has grown so much that they have become a great necessity in society.

Eligible patients can be transferred from the emergency hospital to the regional rehabilitation center. These patients receive intensive rehabilitation, usually consisting of a combination of physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy.

The stay usually lasts one to three weeks, after which the patient must either move to his or her home or to another medical institution.

Physical therapy and occupational therapy may include therapeutic exercises and exercises in daily life (bathing, dressing, grooming, etc.). When patients reach a plateau in their progress, they are discharged or sent to an unqualified medical facility. Medicare does not provide financial assistance to new facilities.

The best nursing homes offer rehabilitation services. The recovery assistant performs simple exercises and helps navigate with patients who are not eligible for qualified services from a licensed physiotherapist. Nursing homes are an excellent choice for people who need a lot of care or lack of rehabilitation facilities to go to a rehabilitation center.

How to Reduce Saddlebags

A Common Occurrence

Saddlebags are very common. In fact, more than half of all women get saddlebags, a type of fat distribution in which their lower body becomes visibly larger than the upper side. This happens when excess fat accumulates in the outer parts of the thighs, giving the woman a distinct pear shape. The term “saddlebags” became popular because the appearance is reminiscent of side bags on a horse or motorcycle. They occur for many reasons but the most dominant cause is genetics because the information in your genes dictate where fat is stored in the body. Some women get an even distribution throughout the body while others are not so lucky. Diet also plays a major role. Patients who visit Marina Med Spa for saddlebag treatment often quickly get rid of the problem with safe, minimally invasive treatments.

Smartlipo Procedure

Smartlipo is a minimally invasive procedure that uses a highly effective laser liposuction technique to reduce saddlebags. The procedure is also highly effective in other areas of the body, for instance, the abdominal area and love handles. It is done under local anesthesia. Smartlipo works by gently melting the fat in the thighs, then suctioning it out of the body. Unlike other liposuction procedures, the heating and melting are done prior to removal of fat to ensure the skin is tight and the fat is suctioned with ease. To prevent excessive tissue damage, tiny instruments are used.

Smartlipo has very little downtime and discomfort post-procedure. A majority of the patients choose not to take a sedative so they can be able to drive home from the procedure. Others are able to return straight to work and perform other physical activities like exercises the very next day. Patients who undergo the procedure should expect some minor swelling and tenderness in the affected area, which will dissipate over a few weeks. However, you’ll be required to wear a compression garment for about two to three weeks post-procedure. Although most patients don’t bruise during the procedure, there is a chance it might occur. If it does, there is no need for much concern as it resolves in a very short time.

Sculpsure Procedure

Smartsure is a non-invasive and non-surgical warm laser treatment for fat reduction. It was the first FDA-approved procedure of its kind. It uses a hyperthermic device that destroys fat cells with heat in unwanted areas in the body. With each treatment, the laser energy heats and destroys the fat cells underneath the skin, while a contact cooling system ensures the skin remains cool and prevents burns as the heat is delivered to the fat and the surrounding tissues. The procedure results in up to 24% fat reduction. At least two treatments are recommended for best results.

Following the procedure, you will be able to continue with normal physical activities. The side effects include some tenderness in the treated area, but this dissipates after a few days. Because the procedure relies on the body to eliminate disrupted fat cells naturally, the results will vary from patient to patient, and it’s much less predictable than a surgical body contouring procedure.

Choosing the Best Procedure

The two procedures differ in the fact that one is non-invasive, while the other is minimally invasive. Although both are effective, the choice of treatment will depend on how much reduction the patient wants, if the patient can wear compression garments, their budget, and lifestyle.


Dental Implants

Do You Need Dental Implants?

If you live in Bangkok, you can obtain full dental care at a dental hospital. This hospital, which sits inside a medical facility, makes it possible for you to receive both medical and dental care. If you want the best in health care, this is the right approach to take.

What to Expect When You Visit a Major Dental Clinic

When you visit a full-service dental clinic in Bangkok, you will receive initial care in the form of a dental exam, a dental x-ray, and a full checkup. Once this part of the process is completed, your dentist will map out a treatment plan.

Same-Day Dental Care

By using advanced CAD/CAM software, dental providers in Bangkok can provide patients with same-day dental prosthodontics and restorations. By using CAD/CAM technology, a dental practitioner can improve how the dental restoration is made and applied.

Types of Dental Restorations

Some of the restorations made in Bangkok dental clinics include crowns, veneers, fixed bridges, onlays, and inlays. All types of specialties are featured in a dental treatment center within a hospital facility. These specialties include care for periodontitis, gum disease, and orthodontic care. Patients can receive dental implants and root canal treatments as well. A root canal is performed to save a tooth and the dental pulp.

Cosmetic Dentistry Services

Cosmetic dentistry is featured too. Dentists who specialize in this practice area create and apply bridges, crowns, and dentures. They also whiten discolored teeth, apply veneers, and reconstruct teeth so they perform normally.

dental solution

Maxillofacial Procedures

Do you need maxillofacial surgery or restorative care? If so, this is yet another specialty offered by dentists. You can receive these services quickly (one day), thanks to innovative technologies. Once you schedule an appointment for dental care, book an appointment for a checkup every six months. If you have children, you should have their teeth and gums checked every three months.

Feel Better Overall

When you stay proactive in this respect, you will run into fewer dental issues and feel better about your overall health. Patients who do not take care of their teeth can develop medical problems such as heart disease or circulatory issues. That is why taking care of your teeth and gums is not only good for you orally but it is also good for you overall.

Dental Implants: Trending Among Dental Patients

One of the more popular treatments today is the application of dental implants. These titanium posts serve as artificial roots so your dentist can add restorations such as crowns or dentures. When used for dentures, implants stabilize the prosthodontics so they won’t slip while you are chewing or smiling.

Regain That Youthful Smile

By adding implants, people can regain their smiles and feel more confident as well. If you want a permanent solution to a dental issue that affects your dental profile or dental health, you should learn more about dental implants. While the implants may be more expensive, they will provide you with a dental solution that is typically 99% successful. See what you are getting for your money today.