When do you need bone grafting before dental implants?

A Dental implant is an artificial tooth that is implanted into the jawbone. It is used when adults lose one or some of their teeth and need a method to replace them.Jawbones must be pressed as a result of chewing unless it gradually decays and degenerates. Teeth on the jawbone stimulate and regeneratethe bone tissue and prevent decay. Most people think that bones are dense and strong and never change by time passing, but the bones are flexible and continually change. Sometimes a person loses his teeth and needs to have dental implants to improve the health and beauty of his mouth. In the case of jawbone degeneration, the dentist should undergo bone grafting surgery for dental implant treatment.

 Bone grafting

 Replacing a lost tooth using dental implants requires bone grafting in people with the decayed jawbone. In this method, a dentist fills the bone defects, and bone height and width are increased. In this surgery, bone-like materials are used to regenerate and replace part of the bone that has been degenerated.

 People who have lost their teeth and intend to have dental implants may have a decayed jawbone because they have been without teeth for a while, in which case the decayed bone will not support the implanted tooth.

 For dental implant placement, a certain amount of bone tissue is needed to hold the implanted tooth. Implanted tooth fusion with bone tissue is one of the essential steps in dental implantation because the implanted tooth can withstand the pressure when it is well welded to the jawbone.

 In fact, after dental implantation, the implant also supports and regenerates bone tissue because the pressure on the new tooth stimulates the bone tissue, regenerates it, and prevents jawbone decay.

 But before the surgery, we need to check the amount of bone tissue required for the dental implant. People who are going to get a dental implant can have a jaw bone transplant or bone grafting in two ways:

 Simultaneously with implant placement

 We need enough bone in the jaw to implant the artificial tooth and weld it to the jawbone. In the case of bone resorption, a bone graft is performed.

 Jaw bone grafting can be done at the same session with dental implantation. In this method, the bone deficiency is not completely healed, it only provides the conditions appropriate for dental implantation, and this deficiency becomes milder.

 Before dental implant placement

 To achieve a sufficient amount of bone, the dentist performs bone grafting before the dental implant surgery. This surgery is done two months before the treatment to achieve the desired amount of bone. In this surgery, the person’s bone or external sources can be used. However, external bone sources cost more.

 A dentist considers bone grafting only when necessary. After examining the jaw and gum condition, the dentist determines if bone grafting is needed, and then the operation is performed according to the dentist’s decision.

 Bone grafting advantages

 Jaw bone grafting stabilizes, strengthens, and regenerates the jawbone and also protects it from decay. Bone grafting prevents the breakdown and destruction of the bone that occurs after tooth extraction. Here are some complications that you may experience after bone grafting:

_Postoperative pain and bleeding

 _Swelling of the surgical site

 _Dental implant infection

 _Damage to nerves, blood vessels, and regular teeth

 _Tooth sensitivity to cold and heat

How to Care for Your Teeth during Holidays

How to Care for Your Teeth during Holidays?

We all have routines that we follow consciously or unconsciously, and they greatly influence our lifestyles.  Most people have a dental care routine that helps them to maintain their oral hygiene. However, taking care of your teeth during the holidays can be a bit challenging. Below are four easy tips on how to care for your teeth during the holidays.

Brush Your Teeth Twice a Day Using Fluoride Toothpaste and Floss Regularly

It is important to floss and brush your teeth regularly even during the holidays. Furthermore, studies show that if you use fluoride, you prevent your teeth from getting cavities whereas flossing aids in reaching places that the toothbrush can’t access. Therefore, flossing and brushing your teeth regularly should also be part of your holiday routine to main oral hygiene.

Eat Well and Responsibly

Choose your meals wisely, especially during the holidays, and make an effort to have a balanced diet. This simply means that you should eat healthy by either choosing snacks that have less sugar, taking more fruit or vegetables and also drinking enough water. You can never go wrong by eating healthy foods. Eating well and responsibly helps you to maintain that beautiful smile.

Be Cautious of the Activities You Get into during Your Holiday 

As you have fun and enjoy yourself during the holidays ensure that you do not injure your teeth in the process. Avoid opening bottles using your teeth and also ensure you guard your teeth when engaging in dangerous sports.

Post Dental Check-up 

After your much-needed holiday ensure that you go for a dental check-up to rule out any dental issues. What’s better than to start with perfect dental health after a holiday? We can help you book these appointments swiftly through our online scheduling form.

As you go on holiday and ease up on your routine, remember that you can’t take a break from your teeth care practice. In case you need more information on how to care for your teeth, please contact us and always remember that a healthy smile for a healthier you.