
What To Know About a Root Canal

Root Canal

Millions of teeth are treated and saved each year thanks to a root canal procedure. A root canal, otherwise called endodontic treatment, is a dental procedure for treating the inside of a tooth. The term “root canal” refers to the natural area inside the tooth. The pulp refers to the soft area found in the root canal, within which lies the nerves. By removing the infected parts, an expert dentist in Everett ensures that further contamination and damage of the tooth is prevented.

Procedure of Choice

Root canal treatment expenses fluctuate, but it is a relatively less exorbitant choice of dental care compared to having a tooth removed and replaced with a new crown or bridge. According to a qualified dentist in Everett, most people believe that the procedure is excruciatingly painful, but in reality, it is not. Patients are given anesthesia to make the procedure as simple and painless as an ordinary dental surgery, like a filling or getting a wisdom tooth removed. After the root canal procedure, the gums will remain sore, somewhat numb but only for a couple of days.

When Is Treatment Needed?

The pulp inside the tooth can become infected with microscopic organisms if there was some slight damage that was left untreated or because of a cavity. Without treatment, the contamination might spread, infecting the surrounding tissue and forming abscesses. This may lead to severe agony when biting or gnawing food, sensitivity to heat and cold, swollen or delicate gums, or a deep visible rot – signs that may indicate the need for a root canal.

Root Canal Procedure

During the procedure, the dental specialist administers anesthesia to numb the tooth, and a dental dam, a little sheet of plastic that disconnects the tooth, to keep it perfect and dry. The patient will feel a slight squeeze in the area where the needle will go in. After the tooth is numb, a drill is used to make an opening at the top segment of the tooth, where the pulp and nerve of the tooth are exposed, removed and the inside area is cleaned.

The dentist will clear away the infected parts, and flood the chamber with water to wash away any remaining pulp. They may also put an antimicrobial solution in the chamber to eliminate any residual microscopic organisms, and remove any chances of further contamination. When the chamber is completely clean and dry, the dental specialist will fill it with another elastic material to ensure it heals properly. The dental specialist will then use a brief filling to close the opening in the tooth, as the patient waits for a lasting crown to be placed.


After about half a month, the dentist will place a perpetual crown or a comparable kind of reclamation on the highest point of the tooth, completing the treatment. The dentist may also need to put a little supporting post within the root chamber, to make the crown or rebuilding steady, but this will depend on the state of one’s tooth.

One is expected to take extra care of their teeth and gums after a root canal procedure is done. Dental specialists suggest brushing the teeth at least twice a day, using a recommended toothpaste, and a reasonable toothbrush that is gentle on the gums. The patient is also expected to go for routine dental checkups and cleaning.

Everything You Need to Know About Hay Fever

Hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis, is a medical condition that has similar symptoms as a common cold. The sufferer may experience sneezing, a runny nose, sinus pressure or congestion. Hay fever results from an allergic reaction to airborne substances e.g., plant pollen and mold spores. It is the fifth most common ailment in the U.S. An allergy, asthma & sinus center in Lansdowne can help to treat hay fever and other allergic illnesses.

Quick Facts about Hay Fever

  1. Allergic rhinitis, otherwise known as hay fever, can result in sneezing, a stuffy or runny nose, itchiness in the nose, eyes or mouth, and watery eyes.
  2. Seasonal have fever is more common during spring, summer and the beginning of fall.
  3. Symptoms are often caused by an allergic reaction to pollen from trees, grass or weeds, or to mold spores in the air.
  4. Treatment for hay fever includes medications, allergy shots, immunotherapy, or avoiding/reducing exposure to allergens.

What Causes Hay Fever?

Allergic rhinitis takes place when the immune system mistakes an ordinarily harmless airborne element for a threat. Common hay fever triggers are:

  • Tree pollen during spring.
  • Grass pollen during late spring and summer.
  • Weed pollen, particularly in fall.
  • Fungi and mold spores in warm weather.
  • Animal hair or dander.
  • Dust mites.
  • Cockroach dust.
  • Cigarette smoke.
  • Perfume
  • Diesel exhaust fumes.

Some factors also raise the risk of contracting hay fever:

  • Genetic factors: Given that a close family member suffers from hay fever or any other allergy, the risk is more.
  • Asthma and other allergic problems: Persons with asthma or other types of allergies have a higher likelihood of having hay fever.
  • Age and gender: In most cases, hay fever is more common among boys before adolescence, but it is more common among girls after adolescence.
  • Time of birth: Persons born during a high pollen season are more likely to develop hay fever.

Hay Fever Symptoms

The following are the common symptoms of hay fever:

  • sneezing
  • Itchy nose and/or throat.
  • Watery eyes.
  • Blocked or runny nose.
  • sweats
  • Headaches
  • Facial pain due to blocked sinuses.
  • Loss of smell and taste.

Some people might also experience fatigue and insomnia. Those with asthma might have more wheezing and breathlessness.

Diagnosis and Treatment

A pinprick test can establish what is causing the allergic response. To specify the right treatment, an allergy doctor looks at the symptoms and asks the patient about their individual and family medical history.

Additionally, a blood or skin test can help to confirm the substance a person is allergic to. For a skin test the doctor pricks the patient’s skin with a small amount of a known allergen. The blood test shows the amount of immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies. If the levels of IgE are high, then an allergy is present. On the other hand, zero IgE antibodies show no sensitivity, whereas 6 is an indication of very high sensitivity. A variety of over-the-counter medicines can help to control hay fever. Below are some of the treatment options for hay fever.

  • Antihistamine sprays/tablets: They inhibit the production of chemical histamine, which is responsible for hay fever symptoms.
  • Eye drops: They decrease itching and inflammation in the eyes and are often used in conjunction with other medications.
  • Nasal corticosteroids: They’re a safe, effective long-term treatment option for managing the swelling caused by hay fever. The benefits of these drugs might take a week to show.
  • Oral corticosteroids: Severe symptoms of allergic rhinitis may be managed effectively with prednisone tablets.
  • Immunotherapy

Similar to the common cold virus, there’s no cure for hay fever as of now. However, it is possible to manage the symptoms.