All About Skin Cancer

Skin cancer can be understood as an abnormal growth of cells that mostly occur in the skin that is exposed to the sun. However, it can also occur on the skin that is not usually exposed to the sun. Some of the common types of skin cancer include squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, and melanoma. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the US. In fact, more Americans are diagnosed with skin cancer more than any other type of cancer every year. Although this may sound shocking, the good news is that if it is detected early, skin can easily be treated by a reliable Midtown East dermatologist. Below are some important things you should know about skin cancer.


Skin cancer primarily develops in areas that are most exposed to the sun, including the face, scalp, ears, neck, lips, chest, neck, arms, hands, and legs. It can also form on areas that are not exposed to the sun, including the palms, beneath the toenails and fingernails, and around the genitals. It affects people of all skin tones. Depending on the type of skin cancer that a patient is suffering from, there are several symptoms that they can experience.

Skin Cancer

Some of them include:

A waxy or pearly bump

A flesh-colored or brown flat scar-like lesion

A scabbing or bleeding sore that heals and returns

A firm, red nodule

A flat lesion with a crusted, scaly surface

A large brownish spot with dark speckles

A mole that bleeds or changes in feel, size, and color

Dark lesion on toes, fingertips, soles, or palms


Skin cancer results from mutations in the skin cell’s DNA, which causes the skin cells to grow uncontrollably and form a mass of cancerous cells. In most cases, skin cancer results from exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. However, exposure to the sunlight does not explain why parts of the skin that are not ordinarily exposed to the sun can get cancer. This implies that there are other factors that can contribute to skin cancer. For instance, having a condition that weakens the immune system or exposure to some toxins can cause skin cancer.

Some risk factors that are associated with skin cancer include:

History of sunburns

Excessive exposure to the sun

Having less melanin or skin pigment

Living in high altitude or sunny areas

Family history of skin cancer

Having a weak immune system

Exposure to radiations

Exposure to certain toxic substances


If you have been diagnosed with skin cancer, your doctor will subject you to more tests to demine the extent of cancer. Small skin cancers that have not gone beyond the surface of the skin may not require any treatment beyond the initial biopsy removing the growth as a whole. Other common skin cancer treatments include freezing, excisional surgery, Mohs surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, biological therapy, and photodynamic therapy.

The Takeaway

Overall, it is apparent that although skin cancer is quite common, it is an issue that can easily be treated, especially when it is diagnosed at its earliest stages of development when it is still easy to localize. Therefore, if you have any signs that indicate that you might have skin cancer, it is wise to seek the attention of a dermatologist immediately for diagnosis and treatment.

Pregnancy Care Tips

Pregnancy Care Tips

Getting pregnant can be quite an exciting experience. However, it comes with new responsibilities. For instance, you have to stay healthy for the sake of your baby and your well-being. Therefore, in addition to working closely with a reliable San Antonio women’s health nurse practitioner or OB/GYN, it is imperative for you to adopt healthy lifestyle habits and discard the bad ones. For instance, if you smoke or abuse alcohol or other drugs, then you may have to stop for you and your baby to stay healthy. Below is a rundown of some health tips for expectant women.

Get an OB/GYN

If you have not visited an OB/GYN yet, then it is imperative for you to see one as soon as you learn that you are pregnant. This is because pregnancy comes with the need for specialized care. An OB/GYN will perform several tests to ensure that the pregnancy is developing properly and in the right place. Your blood pressure and blood sugar level will also be monitored. In case of any complication, an OB/GYN will advise you on the best way to move forward.

Eat Right

A healthy diet is a necessity for pregnant women. This is because the developing baby needs healthy foods as opposed to fat and sugar. Therefore, you should start eating plenty of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Your diet should be low in saturated fats and rich in calcium. During pregnancy, it is also necessary for the mother to take a lot of water to prevent fatigue, hemorrhoid, headaches, UTIs, constipation, and other unpleasant pregnancy symptoms.

Pregnancy Care Tips

Avoid Toxins

Toxins such as illicit drugs, alcohol, tobacco, nail polish removers, and paint thinners are closely linked to miscarriages, congenital disabilities, and other problems. Therefore, it is imperative for you to avoid them during pregnancy. If you cannot easily quit smoking and abusing drugs, it is important for you to let your doctor know about it. A good OB/GYN can offer the necessary support and advice, and even refer you to programs that help women like you.


Staying active is necessary for a person’s general health. It plays critical roles in reducing stress, improving sleep, boosting moods, and managing weight. You can choose to take a pregnancy exercise class or simply walk for about 20 minutes at a moderate pace on a daily basis. You can also try swimming, yoga, or Pilates. However, it is imperative for you to inquire from your OB/GYN before you start any exercise program during pregnancy.

The Takeaway

Overall, it is apparent that when you learn that you are pregnant, there are several things that you are supposed to do for you to remain healthy and keep your baby safe. For instance, you have to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly. It is also important for you to get a reliable OB/GYN to take care of any pregnancy-related healthcare needs. If you are looking for a reliable OB/GYN to help you with pregnancy care, Bluebonnet OB/GYN is an excellent facility to choose from. Feel free to contact or visit them today for more information about their practitioners and services.

Sports Medicine And Physical Therapy

Differences Between Sports Medicine And Physical Therapy

Sports Injuries:

According to the CDC (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention), there are millions of causes related to sports injuries in the U.S every year. Sports injuries require special consultation from an exceptional specialist. Sports injury specialists can be categorized as sports medicine physicians or physical therapists. It is essential to identify the most suitable specialists to consult based on the nature of your injury. Dr. Kevin McElroy is one of the most competent and reliable sports medicine physicians in Ramsey, NJ.

Who is a sports injury specialist?

A sports injury specialist is a qualified and certified health physician who focuses on sports injuries rehabilitation as well as treatment. Sports injury specialists handle a variety of people ranging from professional athletes, active people, and amateur athletes who strive to lead an active and healthy lifestyle. Sports injury specialists can be classified as either sports medicine physicians or physical therapists. It is very important for you to realize that the two are not one and the same. The confusion or mistake of treating them as one is not far off since the two are aimed at the treatment of muscles and bones after the occurrence of an injury.

Sports Medicine And Physical Therapy

Difference between sports medicine and physical therapy?

Physical therapy is the process through which individuals who have a known medical condition that restricts their normal functionality or performance undergo rehabilitative treatment procedures in an attempt to restore or regain the original functionality or performance in their day to day tasks. For you to operate as a physical therapist, you need to complete the required learned years, undergo training, and become certified by the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA).

Sports medicine, on the other hand, involves the provision of medical care to active individuals or athletes. The sports medicine physicians are responsible for providing active individuals, sports teams, or athletes with a comprehensive range of medical care. The treatment techniques used are mainly non-surgical, for you to start practicing as a sports medicine physician, you will need to undergo the relevant education, training and finally become licensed by the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM). Sports medicine specialists also undergo proper training to accurately health issues associated with sports psychology, diet, and abuse of controlled substances.

Roles and treatments used:

The main purpose of sports medicine doctors is conducting diagnoses on the hurt or injured areas, evaluating the disorder, performing various treatment procedures, requesting for additional tests, making referrals to physical therapists for injuries that require personalized therapy, and prescribing medication pills or injections for multiple conditions. There are a variety of treatment procedures that can be performed by sports medicine specialists such as the reconstruction of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL), ankle-knee-elbow and shoulder arthroscopy, restoration of the articular cartilage, casting, repair of fractures, labral repair, rotator cuff repair, Meniscus repair, shoulder instability surgery and repair of tendons. These and other treatment procedures are used to treat diverse sports injuries such as lower back pains, shoulder pains, neck pains, herniated discs, etc.

Roles and treatments used by therapists:

Physical therapists do not only cater for sports-related injury but also other individuals who require treatment therapies to heal bones and muscles without surgery. The treatment recommended and the time taken to yield results will depend on your injury assessment and the patient’s willpower. There are various types of therapies that can be used, such as concussion management, fibromyalgia therapy, dry needling, manual therapy, injury screening, spine rehabilitation, vestibular therapy, and total joint rehabilitation.

Fibromyalgia doctor Singapore

Treatments and Symptoms of Fibromyalgia related diseases

If you been suffering from diseases such as chronic fatigue syndrome, then probably the primary disorder is fibromyalgia syndrome. Fibromyalgia doctor Singapore believes that chronic-fatigue-syndrome corresponds to fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia syndrome is a type of disease that is typically characterized by severe musculoskeletal pain comprised of sleep, fatigue, mood, and memory problems.

Health researchers believe that fibromyalgia intensifies painful sensation by affecting the pain signal of the brain. Sometimes its symptoms are caused by trauma, physical surgery, psychological stress, or infections.In other circumstances, these symptoms progressively accumulate without being triggered by anything. Individuals who had fibromyalgia may experience symptoms such as joint pains, tensions, headaches, anxiety, and depression.

  • Overlapping Syndrome Category
  • The overlapping syndrome category comprises the following:
  • Multiple Chemical Syndrome (MCS),
  • Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS),

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome (MCS)

 There different disorders that usually come along with this problem, and according to scientific and medical communities, both fibromyalgia and fatigue syndrome cause several manifestations of the same syndrome.

Fibromyalgia studies and research 

A medical study that involves 34 patients aged 33 to 62 who are infected with FMS were categorized in a control group. They were provided with medication weekly. The outcome of the result indicated that the team that was treated experience significant changes in each variable concept. The following are patients’ result:

  • Patients’ pain intensity reduces by 40.6%
  • Threshold pressure was 76%
  • Quality sleep improvement increase by 34%
  • Fibromyalgia Impace Questionnaire (FIQ) score improvement was 22%

The above result shows that 94% of the patient was satisfied with the remedy. This treament is known as Shiatsu Medication. The conclusion of this research stated that the pilot showed potential in Shiatsu treatment for pain intensity improvement, the threshold of pressure pain, quality sleep, and the symptoms impacted on the patient’s health with fibromyalgia. The recommended Shiatsu remedy protocol was viable and well-approved by patients.

Dysregulation syndrome with fibromyalgia symptoms  

This list can proceed for some time. Dysregulation syndromes such as fibromyalgia symptoms seem to run in packs, and those who suffer from them. Those who suffer from dysregulation syndromes such as fibromyalgia symptoms and they would love to know how to eliminate this debilitating misery and pain permanently, besides medication that currently used to cure various conditions with many side effects, there other natural ways to remedy these sicknesses.

The medical source includes American-Medical-Association and Fibromyalgia doctor Singapore. They improve people’s health by feeding their bodies at a cellular level. As a result, bodies can manage to substitute damaged tissues with healthy ones. The rebu8ilding process always takes place mostly while we are asleep and reduce or remove and virtual symptoms like fibromyalgia symptoms or some autoimmune disease.


To learn much and more regarding fibromyalgia symptoms and cellular nutrition as well as the natural remedy for any dysregulation syndrome, feel free to visit

How Much Can You Expect to Pay for Cosmetic Dental Services

How Much Can You Expect to Pay for Cosmetic Dental Services?

Like most cosmetic surgical procedures, many people think of cosmetic dental surgery that is only reserved for the wealthy and influential. While that may have been true decades ago, that notion no longer applies today. It’s not to say that such procedures are now cheap (because it’s not), but the services of cosmetic dental experts today have become much more reasonable.


While paying for cosmetic dentistry won’t be cheap, most people think of it as a good investment and are happy with the results. After all, having beautiful teeth can help people make a good impression and raise one’s confidence. Under the care of cosmetic dental experts, most patients tend to get their money’s worth.


So what is the cost of getting cosmetic dental surgery nowadays?


Indeed the cost of cosmetic dentistry in Canberra can be high, and various factors contribute to such expenses. For one thing, dentists invest years in specialising in cosmetic dentistry. Also, the devices, tools, and appliances that are used throughout cosmetic dental treatments tend to be pricey as well.


The good news is that generally, all cosmetic dental clinics don’t expect their patients to pay for their services all at once. As such, these clinics typically offer financing strategies that enable patients to acquire services immediately without having to pay upfront.


Installation payments are a sensible choice for those with a restricted spending plan but desire cosmetic improvements to their dental appearance as quickly as possible.


The estimated cost of cosmetic dental treatments


You might not have the resources now, but you can save up for cosmetic dental services. To do that, it helps to have a rough idea of how much specific cosmetic dental surgery cost. Here are some figures to consider:


  • Cosmetic dentists typically charge around $1050 for in-clinic teeth whitening sessions
  • Composite teeth veneers cost about $200 to $500 each tooth
  • Dental implant ranges cost around $5000
  • Dental crown setup is at $1100 to $2000.
  • Porcelain veneers costs range between $800 and $1200 per tooth.


Why is it so expensive?


Cosmetic dentistry is costly because of it the use of pricey materials, first-class cosmetic dental labs, and generally extra effort and time on the part of the cosmetic dental professional. All these additional costs are factored into the price. 


A cosmetic dental clinic likewise needs to be spick-and-span, comfy and devoid of bacteria, which adds to the expense of this type of dentistry. These services may even get more costly in the coming years if dental practitioners become less frequent.


You need to bear in mind that as a consumer, you are in the hardest position of not being lawfully covered or secured from inadequate cosmetic oral care. Cosmetic dentistry needs much knowledge. It is not a legally distinct specialised. The dental practitioner, throughout his research study years, might have been through much training, or he might even travel to remote locations for training. You should ask these concerns, and be sure of any professional’s qualifications before you sign off on any cosmetic dental treatment.

Why it is necessary to visit a dentist

Why it is necessary to visit a dentist?

Do you remember when your last dental visit to your dentist was? Long ago right? Why do not you consider to pay a visit to his dental clinic and a research says that going for a dentistry once in every 6 months can help you avoid as well as prevent from any oral issues that can cause to your teeth and gums. It is your responsibility to look after your teeth and gums so that they will be healthy and strong and thus improving your overall oral hygiene.

When you are facing any bad signs such as pain, swelling, bleeding gums, jaw pain, then it is recommended for you to visit your dentist because he is the only person who can treat all your problems and offer you the personalized solution that help to remove all these issues and ultimately you will be able to get the better oral health than before.

Are you hiding your smile? Want to make a beautiful smile? Then why do not you go for the clínica dental Madrid and the following are a few reasons to go for this place.

clínica dental Madrid

  • Cavities – Since a dentist can examine your teeth and detect cavities right from the initial stage itself, and so it can be treated earlier when it is minor so that you do not need to bear the pain and other issues.
  • Gum disease – People may not realize that they have gum disease and when they pay a visit to dentistry, the dental doctor can help you in treating the disease without making much damage to your gums.
  • Fillings – Also a dentist used to check your teeth and fillings and ensure that they are safe and secure and if there is any issue, he will make it right such that they can be prevented from defect and being decayed.
  • Bad breath –You may have been suffering from bad breath and mouth dryness for a long time and you do not want to suffer the same anymore, dentist can catch these oral conditions that cause your teeth and mouth to smell badly and help to get rid of your mouth soreness.
  • Oral hygiene – A dental professional also helps and provides you some advises regarding your dental health and therefore making you to build as well as maintain the good dental hygiene habits like brushing, flossing and rinsing your mouth.
  • Safe oral health – It is a fact that the teeth disorder and gum disease has a link with your heart disease and diabetes and a good doctor can protect your over well being by providing efficient treatment for you and your family oral health.

Since, dental checkups are crucial part of your life, consider a good dentist to have an appointment with him.

When is Oral Surgery Required?

Oral surgery in The Woodlands, TX, is an important part of dental care. This is because, despite the various developments that the field of dentistry has seen in the last couple of decades, dental issues that call for oral surgical procedures are still prevalent. Therefore, the role of dental surgeons in the overall healthcare system cannot be overlooked. Dental surgeons help with both cosmetic and medical dental issues. Below is a rundown of the dental conditions that may necessitate oral surgery.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are the last set of molars to develop. In some cases, these teeth emerge from the gums and continue to develop without causing any trouble. However, in most circumstances, this is usually not the case. Sometimes, they can become impacted. Impacted teeth are teeth that get entrapped between the gum tissues and the jaw bone. As a result, they can lead to swelling, pain, and even infection of the gum tissues around them. Furthermore, impacted wisdom teeth can result in the permanent damage of gums, bones, and the nearby teeth. In some cases, they can even support the formation of cyst or tumors that can damage some sections of the jaw. Therefore, dentists may recommend patients with impacted wisdom teeth to get them extracted surgically.

Tooth Loss

Tooth loss is quite a common problem among people of all ages. It can result from issues such as tooth decay, trauma, and even infections. When a person has lost all or a few of their teeth, going in for oral surgery to replace the lost teeth with dental implants may be the best decision to make. Although there are other options such as dentures, implants are better because they look and feel more like natural teeth. Besides, dental implants are surgically fixed into the jawbones, and therefore, they can last longer if they are properly taken care of.

Jaw Related Issues

There are a number of jaw problems that can make it necessary for a patient to undergo oral surgery. One of the most common ones is unequal jaw growth. This happens when one of the jaws fails to develop properly, leading to problems in performing basic tasks such as eating, speaking, and even breathing. While simple jaw-related issues, such as improper teeth alignment, can be fixed without surgery, more complex jaw issues may require oral surgery.

Sleep Apnea

When more conservative sleep apnea treatment techniques such as dental splint appliances fail to solve the issue of sleep apnea, oral surgery may be recommended. The procedure may involve surgical removal of oropharynx tissues.

The Takeaway

Overall, it is apparent that the importance of oral surgery in dealing with some dental problems cannot be overemphasized. Therefore, it is not unusual for a dentist to recommend oral surgery, especially in cases where more conservative dental treatments cannot offer relief. If you are looking for a reliable dentist offering oral surgery services in The Woodlands, TX, Scott Young is an excellent dental facility to pick. Feel free to contact or visit them today for more information about their practitioners and services.

Overactive Bladder: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Overactive bladder is a problem that is associated with the sudden and difficult-to-control urge to urinate. The urge may be impossible to stop, meaning that people suffering from the issue can experience involuntary loss of urine. As such, people with overactive bladder may feel embarrassed and consequently isolate themselves. Therefore, the problem can badly limit a patient’s work and social life. Luckily, overactive bladder in Wildwood can be managed by an experienced urogynecologist. Below are some important things that you should know about overactive bladder.

Symptoms of an Overactive Bladder

Overactive bladder is associated with a number of signs and symptoms. Some of the most common ones include:

  • Experiencing a sudden urge to urinate that is hard or impossible to control
  • Experiencing involuntary loss of urine immediately after an urgent need to urinate. This is usually known as urge incontinence
  • Frequent need to urinate, usually eight times or more per day
  • Awaking more than one time at night to urinate. The problem is known as nocturia.

Although overactive bladder is quite a common issue among seniors, it is not a normal part of aging. Therefore, if the symptoms are distressing you or significantly interfering with your life, it is imperative for you to seek the assistance of an experienced urogynecologist for diagnosis and treatment.

Causes of an Overactive Bladder

Under normal circumstances, urine is produced by the kidneys. It then drains into the bladder. As the bladder fills, nerve signals are relayed to the brain, which triggers the urge to urinate. When you are ready to urinate, the muscles of the bladder contacts and push the urine out through the urethra. When a person has an overactive bladder, the muscles of the bladder can contract involuntarily even when the bladder is not full. Some of the conditions that can cause overactive bladder include:

  • Diabetes
  • Neurological disorder
  • Acute urinary tract infection
  • Excess consumption of alcohol or caffeine
  • Neurological disorders
  • Bladder anomalies such as stones
  • Deteriorating cognitive function as a result of aging

Prevention and Treatment of an Overactive Bladder

Once you have been diagnosed with overactive bladder, there are several treatments that are available for you. Some of them include:

  • Weight loss
  • Absorbent pads
  • Bladder training
  • Intermittent catheterization
  • Scheduled toilet trips
  • Pelvic floor muscle exercise
  • Medication
  • Nerve stimulation
  • Bladder injections
  • Surgery

Perhaps, the best way to deal with overactive bladder is to prevent the problem from occurring. Some of the preventive measures that you can adopt include:

  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Quitting cigarette smoking
  • Regular physical exercise
  • Limiting alcohol and caffeine consumption
  • Managing chronic illnesses such as diabetes

The Bottom Line

Overall, it is apparent that although overactive bladder is quite a common issue among the elderly, it is not a normal part of the aging process. Luckily it is a condition that a reliable urogynecologist can treat. If you are looking for a dependable urogynecologist to help you with managing this issue, NUWA WORLD is an excellent health facility to visit. Feel free to contact them today for more information about overactive bladder.

Treating Chronic back Pain without Surgery

Back Pain

If back pain lasts for three months or more, it’s referred to as chronic. You feel some temporary relief when it goes away but when it returns, it can be very frustrating. It can be even worse if you don’t understand the cause. Common causes of chronic back pain can include spinal stenosis, where the spinal canal narrows leading to nerve pain, disc issues such as bulging or herniated discs, and arthritis of the spine. Specialists from Republic Spine and Pain can offer insights and provide treatment for various back pain complications. Fortunately, there are several ways to treat chronic back pain without surgery.

Physical Therapy

A regular exercise regimen is the foundation of chronic back pain treatment. It’s usually the first and most recommended form of treatment, to be done under the supervision of a spine physical therapist or your physician. Different exercises are suitable for different people. Depending on the cause of their back problems, the exercise regimen will be suited to your specific condition and symptoms. A big part of the success will rest on you maintaining the exercises at home. The physical exercise may include core strengthening, aerobic exercises, stretching and flexibility exercises, restraining your posture, and testing the limits of pain tolerance.

Meditation and Mindfulness

Chronic back pain is usually caused by both physical and emotional strains. You may be referred to a rehabilitation psychologist to manage psychological aspects of chronic back pain, which may include depression, frustration, and irritability, among others. The specialist may recommend yoga and meditation, tai chi, and other relaxation and cognitive strategies to keep your mind focused on well-being.


Diets, such as those high in processed foods, refined sugars, and trans fat, are highly inflammatory. You can consult your physician to see how you can change your diet if it’s contributing to your chronic back pain. Moreover, maintaining a healthy weight reduces pressure off the spine, thereby lessening chronic back pain.

Lifestyle Adjustments

If you’re suffering from chronic pain, you’ll be forced to accept your condition and adapt. You’ll need to listen to your body’s demands and learn to pace yourself accordingly. You may have to take a break from carrying heavy stuff or mowing the lawn. Take note of activities that worsen your pain and avoid them at all costs. This will not only help you feel better but will also prevent the issue from advancing. In addition to that, you’ll need to quit smoking as nicotine is known to delay healing and accentuate pain.

Alternative Treatments

Alternative treatments include electrical nerve stimulation, laser therapy, biofeedback therapy, massage, and acupuncture. These nonsurgical spine treatments can make a huge difference for your chronic back pain. You can discuss with your spine specialist about which specific alternative treatment is suitable for your condition.

Pharmacologic Treatments

Pharmacologic treatments include muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatory drugs, and analgesics, among others. They can be used to manage and control chronic back pain, although most of them come with unwanted side effects. Thus, they are not recommended for prolonged use. Additionally, most of them are addictive and only treat the symptoms without addressing the underlying cause of the back problem. Pharmacologic treatments should only be used under the prescription of a licensed specialist, and only when other drugs have failed to offer relief.

Why Visit a Medical Spa for Weight Loss Treatments

Medical Spas

Once you decide that you need to lose a few extra pounds, it’s always best that you do it in a healthy environment and a healthy manner. Visiting a medical spa will allow you to lose weight in an environment supported by health professionals such as Dr. Mahmood Siddique in Hamilton, helping you to meet your objectives and giving you personal attention. There are several reasons why going in for weight loss treatments in a medical spa is beneficial.


Going to a medical spa with health professionals is different from going to other weight loss programs. Medical spas understand that each individual is different and that what works for one person will not always work for another. They will set up a weight loss program specifically customized to your needs. The professional staff will assess everyone’s situation, even if you have a medical condition, and devise a weight loss program that fits you. This quality of creating programs tailored to specific individual needs is one big reason why medical spas are becoming more and more popular and successful.

Medical Approaches

Medical spas have doctors and other medical staff who specialize in different areas, such as weight loss, which allows them to provide medically assisted techniques to help you lose weight. The doctors use a variety of approaches including tools such as MedGem – a device that enables medical professionals to figure out your exact metabolic rate under different circumstances, helping you to determine how many calories or food your body requires to maintain a healthy body. Other medical approaches include hormone-assisted weight loss treatments, Vitamin B12 injections, phentermine, and customized meal plans.

Hormone-Assisted Weight Loss

This method has been used by doctors with great success. The technique involves injecting the body with hormones that allow it to easily and quickly break down fat, assisted by a regular exercise regimen and a healthy diet. Using this method, you can lose up to one pound per day without feeling fatigued, weak or tired.

Vitamin B12 Injections

With this technique, Vitamin B12 is injected into your body, helping to hasten the rate at which your body metabolizes, and in the process enabling you to quickly lose lots of weight. The doctor will inject an amount specific to each individual’s needs. He or she will assess your current weight and how your body’s metabolism functions, in order to determine how many injections you’ll need.


Phentermine is a drug used to suppress your appetite thereby reducing the rate at which you consume food. The drug is approved by the FDA and is, therefore, safe to take. However, it can only be obtained by prescription from a board-certified doctor.

Customized Meal Plan

Following a customized meal plan set by your health physician will help you lose weight, and keep it that way. The weight loss doctor will create a customized meal plan according to your body’s metabolic rate and weight loss objectives. The technique requires discipline and consistency.

Spa Treatments

You can make use of a variety of spa treatments to realize your weight loss goals. While relaxing on a heated table and getting scrubbed with an exfoliate, the professional can have you wrapped up in slimming body wraps and elastic bandages. You can even lose a few additional pounds by doing light exercises while wrapped up. Medical spas can save you the cost of paying for a personal trainer, among others.