Opioid Addiction Treatment Options

Opioid Addiction Treatment Options

Opioids are very addictive, and in recent years, opioid abuse has become a national crisis in the USA. According to the National Institute, there are over two million people who abuse drugs in the USA and about 90 deaths daily due to opioid overdose. People get addicted to opioids because the drugs make the brain of the user believe the body cannot survive without the medication. Your body will, over time learn to tolerate the dosage prescribed, and you will find that you need to increase the dosage to get relief; this can quickly turn to dependency. If you feel you are becoming dependent, it might be time to seek rapid detox in Newport Beach.

Identifying the signs of opioid addiction might be challenging to spot, unlike other illegal drugs because most are prescribed drugs. Failure to recognize the signs of addiction can lead to an overdose which can be fatal. If you are not so sure whether you are becoming dependent, below are a few signs that you could show if you suffer from opioid addiction;

  • Needing a higher dose than the one prescribed by the doctor
  • Slurred speech, slow movement, and a slow pulse
  • Taking medication even after the pain has subsided
  • Crushing the pill so that you can snort or inject them

If you notice any of the above symptoms or you think you might have developed tolerance, several treatment options could assist you.

Detoxification centers

The first step to recovering from drug addiction is going through a detoxification. Detoxification ensures that the drugs leave the body. The patient undergoing the detoxification process might exhibit severe withdrawal symptoms, and it is crucial to have a professional medical doctor to monitor the situation. The detoxification process can be uncomfortable, especially when the patient is a heavy user. However, the patient can take certain drugs such as clonidine which assists the body as it is going through the withdrawal.

Inpatient Rehab

A patient that wants to get to the root cause of their addiction can check themselves into an inpatient rehabilitation center. During their stay at the rehab center, they will go through the detoxification process, and they will be assisted to find alternative ways to cope with their situation. You will be equipped with tools to help with relapse in the future. The professionals at the institutions will also carry out mental health assessments to make sure you are in the right state of mind. The length of stay at the rehabilitation center will depend on the underlying factors that drive a person’s addiction.

Intensive Outpatient Rehabilitation

Checking into an inpatient rehabilitation center might not be an option for everyone due to family obligations or other reasons. There is the option to get into an outpatient facility. To aid in their recovery, the patients receive medications to help with the withdrawal symptoms. The patient is expected to visit the facility several days a week. During their visit, they receive both individual and group therapies as well as health assessments from a professional.

After completing the various programs, the patient is advised to periodically go for group meetings or visit a rehabilitation counselor to assist with treatment. To make a full recovery, the patient is encouraged to have a support system. Their close friends and family might need to go for meetings with them to offer support.

What Regenerative Medicine Brings

Imagine yourself in an accident. The injuries and damage that it could expose to your tissues as well as muscles. Any disaster will end up with trauma, injuries, and other losses. Undoubtedly, some of these injuries could be fatal if not taken care of on time. But is it the end of your hope?

Well, let’s take a moment and think of the best solution for damaged tissues and muscles. While these solutions could be relatively limited, you will be sure of regenerative medicine coming in handy for you. And maybe this would be the best time for you to consider paying a visit to Daly Integrated Medical Group.

Indeed, regenerative medicine has taken over the medical industry with a storm. Interestingly, technology has played a vital role in improving its credibility. But besides that, it would be right to have enough reasons to opt for it. And that is why we are here for you.

We explore some of the most vital elements of regenerative medicine. This way, making credible decisions will hardly be an issue for you.

The basics

Regenerative medicine is a promising field that comes in handy in restoring the function as well as the structure of damaged organs and tissues. Further studies are focusing on how to rely on regenerative medicine to restore permanently damaged organs. Well, in a sense, it is central to providing cure to previously untreatable diseases and damages.

Types of regenerative medicine

Usually, you will be sure of up to four different types of regenerative medicine. These fields include the following.

  • Stem cell therapy has also become prevalent. Here, cellular materials will be injected into you. For instance, the cells are differentiated into fat cells, bones, and cartilage to stimulate the healing of your body. These cells come in handy in ensuring that your body functions as normally as before.
  • Have you heard of Platelet Rich Plasma? It will often come in handy in repairing damaged muscles as well as accelerating their healing. This solution does not wear off over time.
  • You could also consider prolotherapy. In most cases, it will be central to the healing of ligaments as well as tendons. This therapy will be vital in strengthening any weak connective tissues. It will also alleviate pain.
  • Then comes the lipogems therapy. This injection will often make the most out of the reparative cells in our fat. The treatment is vital in repairing, reconstructing, or supporting any damaged or even injured tissue.

Perhaps you are wondering why regenerative is popular. Well, it is because of how effective it has proven to be. Besides guaranteeing you of natural healing, you will be sure of a relatively shorter recovery period. It also makes sure that you do enjoy better pain-relief as well as lower inflammation.

With this procedure, you will be confident in handling different issues. Whether you have spine conditions, elbow pain, arthritis, or any strain on your limb, you will be free to go for it.

Nothing will boost your optimism in life than knowing that you have a new chance to make it right. A fresh opportunity to correct your mistakes and enjoy your full body functionality. And this is what regenerative medicine offers you.

Skin Cancer Prevention Tips

Skin Cancer Prevention Tips

Avoiding skin cancer is predominantly your responsibility. Regular visits to your Franklin dermatologist will help but they should never be substituted for proper skincare.

Unfortunately, at least 20% of Americans will have skin cancer at some point in their lives. The most common type of cancer in the United States can be avoided by doing some very basic things.

The following are some tips that anyone can use to avoid being a victim of skin cancer:

Stay in The Shade

Shade on a hot summer day offers a great reprieve. However, the reprieve is not only for your weary body but also for your skin.

A lot of skin cancer is caused due to overexposure to harsh ultraviolet rays. Such cases can be avoided by simply staying in the shade when the sun is at its highest which is between 10 am and 4 pm, especially during summer.

Stay indoors during this time which is the best form of shade you can get. If you have to go out, you should ensure to stay in the shade as much as you can.

Apply Sunscreen

Going out during summer is mostly unavoidable. It is especially the case when you have fun activities planned with family or friends.

If you absolutely have to spend the day outdoors, you should ensure that you apply at least one ounce of sunscreen 30 minutes before you go outside. By doing so, you will be giving your skin an extra layer of protection against skin cancer.

If you are going to spend the entire day outdoors during summer, you should apply sunscreen every two hours for good measure. You should do so even if you will spend the majority of the day in water swimming or diving.

The sunscreen you use should be a broad spectrum (UVA/UVB) sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15. Water-resistant sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 should be used if you will spend most of the day in the sun.

Avoid Tanning Beds

Tanning beds have often been viewed as a cheaper and less harmful alternative to basking in the sun. nothing could be farther from the truth.

Using a tanning booth or bed to darken your skin could be one of the most dangerous things you can do to your skin. These beds emit highly carcinogenic elements that have devastating consequences.

To avoid getting skin cancer you should stay away from tanning booths altogether. A little sunshine in the morning or evening should give you an adequate and safe tan.

Proper Skin Care

As stated earlier, you are ultimately responsible for the health of your skin. Proper skincare is the best way to prevent skin cancer.

You need to conclusively examine your entire body’s skin from head to toe at least once a month to avoid skin cancer. By doing so, you can easily see if the sun has had a negative effect on your skin.

Regular trips to your dermatologist are also part of proper skincare. They will screen you for skin cancer with every visit and help keep your skin cancer-free.

Mesotherapy The Procedure and Side Effects

Mesotherapy: The Procedure and Side Effects

Mesotherapy is a non-surgical procedure that uses homeopathic preparations, enzymes, vitamins, pharmaceutical micro-injections, and other ingredients to achieve benefits such as skin tightening, getting rid of cellulite, and getting rid of excess fat. It is usually performed by professionals like Dr. Tatiana Sharahy.

Common benefits of mesotherapy include;

  • Tightening loose skin
  • Skin rejuvenation
  • Reducing cellulite
  • Getting rid of fat in the stomach, hips, legs, buttocks, face, thighs, and face
  • Treating alopecia
  • Body recontour
  • Getting rid of wrinkles
  • Treating acne scarring

How Does It Work?

Mesotherapy works based on the principle that substances penetrate the skin reaching deep areas that creams can’t reach. Fine needles are used to inject solutions into the mesoderm. There is no standard formula for injecting mesotherapy and different doctors may use different solutions. The most common ones include:

  • Herbal extracts
  • Minerals and vitamins
  • Hormones
  • Prescription medicine

Preparing for Mesotherapy

If you plan on getting mesotherapy. You must speak with your provider first. They will try to understand the problem that you wish to address. They may also let you know what to expect from the procedure.

They will suggest that you stop taking certain medications. You may have to avoid nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication several days before your procedure.

The provider may give you numbing medication. They will then use a special needle to administer a series of injections.

They may use a mechanical gun to administer the injections.

They will administer different injections at different depths into your skin, usually between one to four millimeters. With each injection, they will administer some solution into your skin. Most people need a few mesotherapy sessions before achieving the results they desire. You may need 3 to 15 sessions. The injections are often used on your chest, hands, thighs, face, or scalp.

Common Side Effects of Mesotherapy

  • Bumps on the site of injection
  • Skin infections
  • Allergic reactions caused by the injected solutions
  • Pigmentation
  • Inflammation or swelling
  • Redness and itching
  • Dark patches
  • Bruising, scars, and infection

After treatment, the recovery period is short. There is no downtime but some people choose to take a day off due to side effects such as itching and skin inflammation.

Even though there is little scientific evidence to support mesotherapy, it works. It has been used for decades to achieve various results. Since there is no standardization, different providers may use different solutions for their injections.

The best things about mesotherapy are that it is non-surgical, it does not require downtime, and the chances of getting complications are minimal. The side effects go away in a few days.

It is one of the most reliable options for body contouring, skin rejuvenation, and getting rid of excess fat. Even though the procedure is not approved by the FDA, the ingredients used are approved.

If you choose to get mesotherapy, seek the help of a licensed and experienced doctor. They will use the right solutions and minimize your chances of getting side effects or complications. Even though there are many providers, they may not all be right for you.

Immigrants Physical Examination What do You Need to Know

Immigrants Physical Examination: What do You Need to Know

Are you an immigrant who wants to have a physical examination? Perhaps you are required to pass a physical exam for your job? Or you want to ensure that you’re keeping yourself healthy? If you’re an immigrant to the USA, you are entitled to a physical exam once a year. This article will tell you what to expect from the physical exam. If you’re searching for a physical exam, urgent family care or medicine, walk-in clinic, or after-hours clinic or immunizations in Davie and Plantation, FL, don’t hesitate to contact UrgentMed.

You can request an UrgentMed immigration physical, even if you feel you’re in good health and don’t feel sick at the moment. Physicals are available for refugees, immigrants, and American citizens once a year.

What is a physical examination?

As the name suggests, a physical examination is a series of tests that are carried out by your medical practitioner to check that you are healthy. Each physical exam will be customized to the individual immigrant. You’ll receive a series of tests that are relevant for your age, gender, and medical or family history.

During a physical exam, you’ll also be able to ask questions and discuss any health concerns you may have. Your doctor may also refer you to a specialist for additional treatment or testing.

Why do I need a physical exam

Having regular physical exams will help you to improve your health and wellbeing and to improve your quality of life by treating any underlying problems. You’ll also be able to talk about and get help for chronic conditions such as pain or mental health problems and can discuss the symptoms you’re experiencing. It’s a good idea to have a physical exam annually. This is especially useful if you’re over fifty years of age.

During the exam, you’ll be tested for possible diseases or illnesses, and treatment will be offered. You’ll also be able to take preventative measures to stop you from getting ill if you have a family history of a particular illness. The doctor will also use this time to give you any immunizations that you’re due. You’ll also be asked about lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise routine, and alcohol and cigarette intake.

It’s common for doctors to check cholesterol, blood sugar levels, and blood pressure during a physical. Having regular checks will allow your doctor to treat these conditions before they become more severe. It’s crucial that you get tested as levels could be higher than expected without you experiencing any symptoms.

It’s common for employees to send their employers for a physical exam before they start employment. This is especially true for physical jobs.

Preparing for a physical exam

If you’re an immigrant or refugee, you’ll need to register with a doctor when you enter the country. This would be an excellent time to book a physical exam with your doctor or health care provider.

Prepare yourself for your physical exam, by thinking of any questions you’d like to ask about your health, including aches and pains. It’s also a good idea to come with a list of any medications you’re currently taking. If you’ve had any recent tests, you should bring the results of these with you.

Could It Be Breast Cancer

Could It Be Breast Cancer

Breast cancer remains one of the leading forms of cancer in the United States. When it comes to the question of symptoms, many patients often misjudge or confuse what could be cancer with the facts. Learn the symptoms that should be a warning sign and what not to worry about this difficult topic. If something does seem out of the ordinary, don’t wait to schedule an appointment at Trinity gynecology.

Not All Bumps Are the Same

Lumps are commonly associated with breast cancer, but it is more complicated than that. Breasts naturally vary in lumpiness from woman to woman. It’s nothing to be scared of if you encounter lumps. What does become a problem is when a lump is spotted that appears to be something unlike others; some could even poke outwards on the breast causing a small raised portion. Ones that somehow stand out from the rest could be more of a cause for concern and should be seen by a gynecologist. Another possible sign is the lump changes in size or shape from your last exam or from the time it was noticed.

Check the Nipple

Nipples may naturally secrete discharge at certain times such as arousal or menstruation. In most cases, this is nothing to worry about and should be wiped away quickly. A problem could come when the nipple leaks independently of the other. If it does that and begins regular intervals of discharge, there might be an underlying problem. The color of the discharge is another chance to evaluate what might be going on. Most discharges should have a milk-like texture, any other color or texture might be cause for further tests. Of all colors or possibilities, blood itself is the clearest sign that you should seek help from a medical provider. If it happens on a consistent basis, try to arrange tests and exams as soon as possible.

Mammograms and Other Tests

Mammograms are important in finding possible breast cancer sources before they take hold. For most, it can be caught in time yet this system is far from foolproof. Incorrect answers, as well as missed lumps, have both been reported; that’s why it is important to do self-exams at home that searches for possible lumps. They are easy to do and can be done in the bath or shower.

If something does appear, a doctor will likely run tests to see if they can spot the lump and run a biopsy if they find something. A mammogram might be included in this round of testing to make a better diagnosis. The biopsy takes a piece of tissue and analyzes it for possible cancer. A second test may be ordered if there are any questions or concerns about test results.

Breast cancer can appear in many signs and symptoms. The best way to detect breast cancer is to stay vigilant and conduct self-exams as well as standard testing. Along with a gynecologist’s regular care, it is detectable and treatable.

6 Non-Surgical Treatment Options for Back Pain

6 Non-Surgical Treatment Options for Back Pain

Back pain can be debilitating and a major reason for missing work or school. Studies have indicated that up to 80 percent of the general population experience lower back pain at some point in their life. Lower back pain usually manifests in someone’s 20s and may persist all through adulthood. If you suffer from back pain, you can consult experts in back pain in Houston.

What Causes Back Pain?

Even though the chance of developing back pain increases with age, back pain can affect people of any age. Strain injuries, sitting postures, and some medical conditions can cause back pain.

Other possible causes of back pain include:

  • Spinal stenosis
  • Arthritis of the spine
  • Myofascial pain syndrome, which is unexplained muscle pain and tenderness, and Pinched nerve

Common Symptoms of Back Pain

Back pain can affect your ability to walk, stand, sit, or raise your legs. The most common symptoms of back pain are:

  • decreased range of motion
  • a dull ache in the lower back
  • sharp pain when you stand up straight or flex your back
  • stabbing pain that radiates down the leg to the foot

These symptoms usually last for some days or weeks. Nevertheless, in about 20% of cases, acute back pain can last up to 3 months in which case, it is considered chronic back pain. Chronic back pain can be very restrictive and should be addressed immediately.

Treatment Options for Back Pain

Back pain may present severe symptoms that can indicate a more serious medical problem. These symptoms like loss of bowel or bladder control, unexplained weight loss, consistent pain that gets worse at night, or fever can be restrictive. They may make it difficult for you to carry out your day to day duties.

Luckily, back pain is treatable. The following is a list of treatment options available to back pain patients:

  1. Physical Therapy

Exercise is one of the first treatments you should try and works best when done under the guidance of a spine physical therapist and physician. The specialists will tailor a routine to your specific condition. You should make sure to maintain this routine at home

Physical therapy for chronic back pain aims to:

  • Increase your pain tolerance
  • Retrain your posture
  • Improve your flexibility
  • Strengthen your core
  1. Lifestyle Change

Pain is your body’s way of alerting you to the things you are doing wrong. You can relieve the pressure to your back, neck, and spine by modifying your lifestyle.

Start by avoiding bulky laptop backs, suitcases, boxes, and purses and use a backpack that distributes weight evenly on your back.

Secondly, work actively to mend your poor posture by reminding yourself to sit up straight in a chair and regularly roll your shoulders.

Thirdly, avoid wearing high-heeled shoes as they are likely to damage your back. If you must wear a heeled shoe, wear one with a maximum height of one inch.

Finally, stretch often to improve circulation to the muscles in your back, arms, and, neck

  1. Injection-based Treatments

When the cause of pain is known, epidural steroid injections, nerve ablations, nerve blocks, and other types of injection-based procedures can be applied to address chronic back pain.

The injections may stop or reduce the pain for a while. However, they are only short-term solutions and should be used in isolation.

  1. Diet Change

What you eat directly affects your health. Maintaining a healthy weight, for example, can lessen the pressure on your spine.

Additionally, eating foods high in refined sugars, trans fats, and processed foods, which are highly inflammatory, can increase the severity of your back pain.

Work with your doctor to come up with a diet that addresses these issues.

  1. Alternative Treatments

Your spine specialist may recommend alternative treatments like massage, acupuncture, biofeedback therapy, electrical nerve stimulation, and laser therapy to treat your back pain condition.

  1. Medicine

You can use muscle relaxants, analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and other medications to help control chronic back pain.

However, most of these medications have unwanted side effects and should not be used for prolonged periods.

Benefits of Crown and Bridges

Benefits of Crown and Bridges

601 Dental is one of the best Pembroke Pines crowns and bridges specialists. If you do have a problem with your teeth, you should call them as soon as you can.

Crowns and bridges are used to restore damaged teeth. They perform different functions but are often used together.

Only after a consultation with a dentist can you surely know if you need to have a crown, a bridge or both. Each dental case is unique and you need to maintain proper dental health to ensure you can keep your crown or bridge in its optimal condition.

There are tremendous benefits to getting crowns and bridges including:

They Last the Longest

Crowns are incredibly durable dental fixtures. Despite most dental installments lasting for more than 5 years, a crown’s durability is even more impressive.

A crown usually lasts north of 15 years after it is installed. That is if the person using the crown maintains a good level of dental health.

If done extremely well, crowns can last for a lifetime. Since they can last for so long with little regular maintenance needed, they tend to be a pretty cost-effective solution.

Dental crowns are one of the few medical solutions that keep you away from your doctor.


Whenever you have a problem with your teeth, the way they look is always a significant determining factor in the treatment for which you will opt.

When you have a crown placed on your tooth, it will make them look incredibly amazing. Crowns are used by dentists to restore the original shape of your tooth among many other reasons. It is the best solution in terms of reshaping your teeth.

Ceramic crowns are the best in this regard. Their color can be made to match the adjoining teeth.

A dental bridge also has the same effect on your dental aesthetics. Your smile can be restored to its former glory with a bridge, or better yet, made even better.

Protection and Restoration

Protecting your teeth is the most important aspect of dental care and visiting the dentist. It not only makes our teeth stronger but reduces your trips to the dentist.

A dental crown is one of the best forms of protection that your teeth can receive from paying the dentist a visit. A crown also offers protection when your teeth have been weakened by a root canal or another dental procedure.

The dental bridge is a great tool for restoring tooth functionality. With the improved functionality, your chewing will be improved and also your speech in cases where both had been adversely affected.

Stress Distribution

Dental crowns made of metal or ceramic tend to be quite strong. If there is a problem with your teeth, chances are the force of chewing is not being evenly distributed. A dental crown can help change that.

A dental bridge is also a fantastic tool as it pertains to even force distribution. With a bridge, chewing force is uniformly distributed and spread out to supporting teeth making it much easier to chew your food.

Triumph over Pain

How to Triumph over Pain and Enjoy Life to the Fullest


Many people will suffer from pain at some point in their lives, whether it be hand and wrist pain, joint pain, or the dreaded back pain. If you or anyone you know suffers from ongoing pain issues, you will know how debilitating it can be and how much of an impact it can have on daily life. However, there are several options out there to help diagnose the source of your pain and effectively treat it to help get you back to enjoying life. Garden State Pain Control in Clifton and Jersey City, New Jersey, offers a range of treatments including pain control methods, regenerative medicine and various types of orthopedic surgery. Carry on reading for advice on how to start your own journey towards a pain-free life.

Investigating the Source of Your Pain

The first thing to consider when suffering from any type of pain is getting to the root cause. Although it can sometimes be difficult to establish the cause of some types of long term pain, having some preliminary tests is a good starting point. Depending on your own specific symptoms and their duration, your treatment provider may want to perform ultrasound scans, CT scans or X-Rays. There is also a state-of-the-art device known as a mi-eye which can provide physicians with a very detailed visualization of various joints in the body, enabling them to identify any possible sources of damage or injury.

Controlling Your Pain

control pain

When it comes to pain, most physicians will generally agree that the best idea is to try the most conservative options first to treat the symptoms and then move on to more invasive treatments only if necessary. Before considering an operation to treat your pain problem, it is wise to consider that surgery is not always the best course of action and that a much simpler and less invasive treatment could be the answer for you.

For example, many people who suffer from chronic pain in either the back or hands and wrists have had great success in being treated with medical marijuana in recent studies. Cannabinoids, which are the active ingredient in marijuana, can impact your bodies’ pain signals by preventing them from reaching your brain. There is also a good deal of evidence that demonstrates the anti-inflammatory effects of cannabinoids. This type of treatment can be a great long term option for chronic pain and can also be incredibly useful in treating pain that does not respond to traditional pain relief, such as neuropathic pain.

Steroid Injections

Steroid injections are just one of the options that you may want to consider to help treat your pain. Epidural steroid injections can help many with lower back pain. They can also be used to alleviate pain in joints around the hands and wrists, knees and elbows. Discuss with your treatment provider whether this could be a viable option for you.

Radiofrequency Ablation

Another procedure that may be able to help with pain is RFA or radiofrequency ablation. This is a minimally invasive procedure that has shown promising results in those suffering from back pain. RFA has been effective in treating patients suffering from both degenerative disc disease and arthritis. The treatment applies radiofrequency energy to specific, targeted nerves in order to stop them from sending pain signals to your brain.

Shoulder Injury is Serious

How do I know if My Shoulder Injury is Serious?

How can you know if a shoulder injury is serious? Should you ice your shoulder and simply rest it for several days and see if the discomfort will go away? Or, should you rush to a hospital emergency room or consult the Upper Extremity Specialists straight away? In this post, we look at some of the common signs of a serious shoulder injury.

Common Signs of a Serious Shoulder Injury

Several critical muscles control shoulder movement. For starters, the rotator cuff, which is a series of four muscles, allows for shoulder motion. And, a serious injury to the rotator cuff can inflict weakness. Secondly, the labrum, which is a cartilage disc between the two shoulder bones, helps to maintain shoulder stability. A labrum injury can bring instability problems and a dislocation.

How do I know if my shoulder injury is serious? Here are some of the common signs of serious shoulder injuries:

1.      Shoulder Weakness

Feeling weak in your shoulder after an injury may be a sign of a substantial rotator cuff injury. Falling on your side or with an outstretched arm can easily rupture your rotator cuff. While tiny rotator cuff tears don’t usually lead to weakness, large ones do. If you suffer a shoulder injury and face substantial weakness when attempting to utilize your arm, you should see a doctor immediately.

2.      Instability of the Shoulder

A shoulder injury can cause instability or dislocation. Falling hard on an outstretched arm or the side of an arm can dislocate the shoulder. Some dislocations return to their rightful position or reduce spontaneously, but some require medical intervention. If you feel like your shoulder came out of place and slid back, you need to see a doctor.

3.      Shoulder Pop

A fall onto the shoulder can also produce a pop sound and severe pain. If that’s the case, you might be facing a torn rotator cuff or labrum, or an AC (acromioclavicular) joint separation. A shoulder pop that comes with severe pain or weakness and a bump at the top requires immediate medical attention.

4.      A Bump on the Shoulder

Following a fall or forceful shoulder movement, you might see a bump on your shoulder top. Most times, the bump comes along with severe pain and may be a sign of shoulder separation, or AC joint injury. While most AC joint separations don’t need surgery, they should be assessed by a physician to establish the exact type of separation. Knowing the type of Acromioclavicular separation you’re experiencing will determine whether it’s serious or can recover on its own.

5.      Discomfort on the Collarbone or Clavicle

shoulder pain

A shoulder fall can transfer substantial force to your collarbone, resulting in a collarbone or clavicle fracture. The fracture is usually accompanied by severe pain and a bump. Not all clavicle fractures require surgery, but it’s essential to know the type of fracture you have and the best treatment method.

A shoulder injury can be serious, but the earlier it is assessed by a doctor, the better the chances of a successful recovery. If you exhibit any of the signs listed above or experience any other symptoms, you should seek prompt medical attention. Seeking early medical attention can help to prevent further complications in your shoulder, and mitigate the pain.