What is recurrent miscarriage?

Everything You Need to Know About Recurrent Miscarriage

Infertility is a major global issue affecting more than 48 million couples worldwide. Usually, it happens due to a complication or a disease of the male or female reproductive system, affecting their functions hence lowering the chance to conceive or maintain pregnancy. There are many factors affecting fertility, including medical conditions or the abnormalities of the reproductive organs.

Miscarriage is also another factor that brings an end to an immature pregnancy. When it occurs severally, it can be not very encouraging, affecting your life quality. New York recurrent miscarriage specialist Peter L Chang, MD at Noble Fertility Center, provides advanced treatments and testing to treat your condition and improve your chance of carrying a pregnancy to term. Consider contacting him for more details.

What is recurrent miscarriage?

Recurrent miscarriage refers to multiple pregnancy losses consecutively. The research shows that about 1 percent of women in America experience more than two miscarriages.

A miscarriage is a painful experience both emotionally and physically affecting even the rest of your health and life. Finding the root cause of your problem and treatments may help the patient recover and find a meaningful life.

Is it possible to get pregnant after having a recurrent miscarriage?

Yes, women who have experienced several miscarriages in a row can get pregnant in the future. 60% of women with recurrent miscarriages indeed get a baby eventually, even when there is no found cause of the miscarriage.

What are the causes of recurrent miscarriage?

Recurrent miscarriage occurs due to:

  • Genetic issues
  • Blood clotting condition
  • Uterus and cervix issues

During your consultation, Dr. Chang screens you for the following conditions that cause miscarriage.

Antiphospholipid syndrome

Antiphospholipid syndrome, also known as APS, leads to abnormal blood clotting interfering with your pregnancy. Your doctor identifies the problem by measuring your antiphospholipid amount in your blood. Usually, 15-20% of APS antibody is present in most recurrent miscarriage cases.

Genetic problems

Chromosomal problems cause 2-5% of recurrent miscarriages. The genetic problem occurs when the bay inherits some of your genetic compilation.


Thrombophilia enhances your blood to clot, increasing your risk of recurrent miscarriage.

Uterine or cervical problems

A problem in your uterus or cervix, including the abnormality in its structure, may cause recurrent miscarriage.

Polycystic ovaries and hormone imbalance

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a common hormonal problem among women of reproductive age. The problem may disrupt your hormone levels leading to a miscarriage.

Advancing age

The risk for miscarriage increases as you grow older. The eggs decline in quality and quantity from the age of 35 and above. The father’s age is also a contributing factor.

Sharing unconditional love and support

Diagnosis of a recurrent miscarriage

Noble Fertility Center offers high-quality testing and diagnosis to determine the root cause of your problem. Dr. Chang offers the following:

  • Blood tissue testing
  • Chromosomal analysis
  • Ultrasound

The treatment of recurrent miscarriage depends on the root cause of your problem. Surgery may help correct some issues related to the shape and function of the uterus. Treating the underlying medical conditions may also help improve your chances to conceive.

Consult a recurrent miscarriage specialist today

A miscarriage is an awful experience that no woman wishes to go through; luckily, you can visit Dr. Chang at Noble Fertility Center to find your solution.

esthetic medical services

4 Ways a Medical Spa Can Transform Your Quality of Life

If you have been to a typical spa, you must have enjoyed the pampering to the point of forgetting all your troubles. Now imagine all that combined with cosmetic medical services under one roof. At your trusted Midtown West aesthetic medical spa, you can meet medical practitioners whose sole responsibility is to improve your appearance through medical esthetic services. If you are planning your visit to The Wellpath by Jame Heskett, expect the following benefits to come your way:

  1. You receive esthetic medical services in a tranquil atmosphere

In a regular spa, the staff you will meet consists of a masseuse, a facial artist, a manicurist, and a pedicurist. These professionals’ primary goal is to improve your appearance through beauty regimens. The pampering and tranquil atmosphere are also present in a med spa, but only this time, you will be in the hands of a physician and a nurse. Remember, anyone can run a regular spa, but licensing is a must-have in a medical spa.

Medical Spa

  1. The ambient nature of a medical spa can speed up your recovery process

The last time you spent a few days in a hospital, you might have discovered that your recovery was delayed due to its stressed environment. Seeing other anxious patients next to your bed must have been a devastating experience for you. Now compare a hospital environment with a medical spa. Imagine sleeping in a luxurious bed with more space for yourself. That alone can make you look forward to a faster recovery process.

  1. You can access a wide range of anti-aging and beauty treatments

Saying goodbye to youthful fullness is not something everyone looks forward to experiencing. Aging is an inevitable process in life, but it does not mean you cannot delay it. A medical spa offers a spectrum of age-defying treatments to improve your appearance. Whether you want a Botox injection or peeling creams, a medical spa will provide you with tons of options.

Unlike your regular spa, a med-spa operates under a licensed physician and nurse. For every skin resurfacing treatment or anti-aging advice you get, there is a medical backing for it. Every step they take requires scientific knowledge. That alone gives you peace of mind knowing you will not have to face the adverse effects of science.

  1. Medical spa services do more than the esthetic value

A med spa might possess features, equipment, and procedures mimicking a regular spa. However, a med-spa also addressed various health conditions, just like medical clinics. For example, if you are battling a chronic condition like arthritis, your doctor may refer you to an esthetic doctor to offer a new perspective to managing your condition. A med-spa also provides diagnostic and genetic tests to determine what treatment option suits your needs.

Schedule a Visit

A med-spa is evidence of the beauty of science combined with regular spa services. You can achieve non-invasive cosmetic changes under the care of a qualified professional with spa privileges. The next time you feel the urge to pamper yourself and address a health issue, a medical spa is the best place to turn. To learn more about treatment procedures performed in med-spas, schedule a consultation today.

The Yoni Experience, Is It Worth It? What You Should Know

Your overall wellbeing involves several aspects, including how you look and feel about yourself. Various areas of health address your concerns to enhance your wellness and better living. Aesthetic treatments enhance your appearance by matching your inner feelings with the outside look, improving your life and confidence.

Yoni Experience in Katy, at Serendipity Lifestyle & Wellness Spa, is an aesthetic treatment for women to enhance their vaginal health and wellness. The team also offers other quality wellness treatments for your improved health. Consult them today to learn which treatment works best for you.

What Is the Yoni Experience?

The Yoni Experience is usually common in Asia, Africa, and Central America. It is a vaginal steaming treatment to enhance vaginal rejuvenation and wellness. The treatment aims at removing toxins and damaged reproductive organs using herbal-based steam.

How Does It Work?

The Yoni Experience is comfortable and natural. It involves releasing warm steam into the vagina and uterus to cleanse and strengthen reproductive health.

During your appointment, you sit on a vaginal steaming site, which lets out the steam of the enriched herbs. The herbs used have specific benefits to feminine health and include wormwood, basil, calendula, oregano, mugwort, and chamomile.

Benefits of the Yoni Experience

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The Yoni Experience has various advantages to your vagina and uterus, including:

  • It gives a pleasurable experience. The steam increases circulation in your reproductive organs and moistens your sensitive tissues, enhancing a good sensation.
  • Detoxes the reproductive system by removing toxins through the skin.
  • Tightens and tones vaginal walls. Especially after birth, the treatment cleanses your uterus and promotes faster healing.
  • Improves fertility. It cleanses the uterine wall, preparing it for fertilization.
  • It Improves sexual satisfaction. It promotes confidence, increases lubrication and libido, making sex more satisfying.
  • Reduces vaginal pain.
  • Minimizes discomfort from hemorrhoids.
  • It improves the menstrual cycle by reducing uncomfortable symptoms associated with menstruation. It also treats irregular or absent periods.
  • It allows you to connect with your body, enhancing self-love and appreciating how beautiful you are.
  • It gives a relaxing feeling.

The treatment moves the therapeutic herbs right into the vagina, uterus, and cervix, enhancing blood circulation and refreshing the reproductive system. To many women, the Yoni Experience is usually relaxing.

How Long Does the Yoni Experience Last?

During your consultation, ask about your vaginal health and expected results to develop a customized treatment plan. The treatment takes about 20-30 minutes, enhancing your reproductive health and giving you a healing experience. It is safe to use for women of all ages, providing a calming and reviving feeling.

Who Is the Right Candidate for the Yoni Experience?

The Yoni Experience fits people of all ages, including men who benefit from their pelvic health and wellness.

The treatment is non-invasive and gentle, allowing women to have it after menopause, hysterectomies, among other vaginal procedures. However, the treatment is not recommendable for pregnant women.

Consult a Yoni Experience Expert Today

It is time to take charge of your body and connect with your inner self. The Yoni Experience is all you need to improve your vaginal wellness and promote your sexual health and pleasure. It is relaxing, healing, and refreshing. Contact Serendipity Lifestyle & Wellness Spa today to learn more.

measure your body composition

The Difference Between Fat and Non-Fat Mass and How They Contribute to Your Weight

Have you ever tried eating a healthy diet and exercising only to have the scale read the same as the last time? To have your body weight remain stagnant is not an indication that your effort is not yielding results. Whether your weight is changing or not, body composition in Katy can help you redefine your body. Body composition is more than standing on a weighing scale. The process entails evaluating your fat mass and non-fat mass and how they contribute to your weight.

What does body composition entail?

Have you ever thought of your fat and muscles and how they contribute to your weight? You might be aware of your body weight but do not know how you got there. Body composition comprises fat and non-fat mass. You are likely to have body fat under your skin, in your muscle tissue, and around your organs. On the other hand, your non-fat mass comprises water, muscle, bone, and tissue in your body.

Why is it important to measure your body composition?

Cellulite on human body

You have probably heard conversations of fitness and diet focus on the number of kilograms individuals hope to shed off or gain. However, two individuals of similar body weight and sex can look very different because of their body compositions. Your body composition comprises the amount of water, fat, muscle, and bones in your body. As a result, measuring your body composition informs you of your unique body makeup to help you identify the areas you need to work on to enhance your general health and fitness. Your doctor may guide you through body composition analysis, helping you identify the exact measures of water, proteins, minerals, and fat in your body.

Body composition may therefore help you:

  • Design a customized nutrition plan
  • Set realistic and attainable goals
  • Make informed decisions in how to enhance your body composition
  • Maximize your workout plan
  • Know your fat balance so that you not only narrow down your focus on body weight but fat too

Does a slim figure mean you are healthy?

You are likely to assume that a skinny person having little fat is healthy. However, a slim fit does not minimize your health risk. You may possess the same health risks as an obese person, even when you are skinny. A skinny-fat person looks slim because of the preferable amount of subcutaneous fat beneath the skin. However, the same individual may have an increased health risk because of high visceral fat and a small muscle mass. To ensure you maintain your health continuously, know your muscle and fat balance. A sufficient muscle mass boosts your immune system, helps maintain a good posture, prevents frailty (especially in old age), and enhances your mobility.

Your fat and muscles play a significant role in determining your body weight. The chances are high that you can lose fat and increase your muscle weight with no changes on the weighing scale. For more inquiries on body composition, book an appointment to talk to your doctor.

All you need to know about elbow pain, its causes and symptoms, and how it can be treated

Elbow pain typically affects your daily activities, especially chronic pain. Although it may seem to be a minor issue at first, it may later develop into extreme pain such that your everyday life is altered. Treatment of elbow pain in East Brunswick is offered by a team of experienced and able specialists, who will walk you through your journey until you are healed. They create an atmosphere in which it is intimate in such a way that you will be comfortable, and you will receive a personalized type of care for your elbow pain.

What causes elbow pain?

The most common causes of elbow pain include the following types of tendonitis:

Tennis elbow

Also known as lateral epicondylitis and it occurs when the tendons of your outer elbow are overused. It mainly affects tennis players and other people who often make a specific type of repetitive motion. A good example is when you lift heavy boxes regularly.

elbow pain

Golfer’s elbow

This type is also known as medial epicondylitis, and it affects the inner part of your upper arm. It is most common in golfers and sometimes affects people who often flex their wrists or clench their fingers tightly. A relevant example of such people is gardeners or painters.

Other causes of elbow pain may include fractures, joint inflammation (bursitis), arthritis, nerve entrapment, and elbow dislocation.

What other symptoms go along with elbow pain?

If elbow pain is not treated, it may become worse and be accompanied by other symptoms. These symptoms may include swelling, tingling, restricted movements, numbness, and stiffness. Elbow pain can at times extend down your arm towards your hand, and in such a case, it can cause weakness in the grip and pain.

How is elbow pain treated?

The treatment options offered usually depend on what is causing your pain. The first treatment is rest which entails temporary discontinuation in your sport or taking time off work. Rest allows the bone or irritated tissue to naturally heal.  Other treatment options prescribed may include bracing, icing, oral medication, or other conservative measures.

If you do not respond to such treatments, the specialist may prescribe a stronger pain relief measure such as steroid injections. This type of treatment has the ability to combat pain and inflammation for an extended period of time or even months.

Physical therapy may also be offered as a treatment option. This therapy involves pain-relieving measures and special exercises which can help you feel better.

A surgical option can be performed when non-surgical options do not relieve your elbow pain. The type of surgery usually performed is known as arthroscopic surgery. It involves loose tissue removal, the release of scar tissue buildup, or resurfacing of worn bones, which is a permanent solution to elbow pain.

In conclusion, you should not take elbow pain lightly since it can become worse with time. If you have elbow pain and need help, do not hesitate to call Mid Atlantic Orthopedic Associates or book an appointment with them online today.

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Few natural ways to reduce anxiety and tension

Beating something whether it is a habit or a challenge definitely takes strength and mental fortitude, so it’s a smart thought to appear sustained and all around rested with yourself is vital. Exploration shows that following a decent night’s rest of 8-9 hours is great and if not, then you’re probably going to feel not so much restless but rather more certain. Actual work during the day will assist you with dozing better, yet you realize that! Eating genuine, natural food that includes lean protein, grains, vegetables, organic product, nuts, veggies, a periodic piece of chocolates will keep your energy level on a balanced state. Processed foods are a great reason for the spike crashes in glucose that can leave you nervous. You can address this issue by consuming nootropics in the right manner and dosage.

Researchers regularly allude to the stomach as the subsequent mind, since about 95% of serotonin receptors are found in the coating of the gut. Thus, taking the right food would help the people to feel good and be healthy as well from inside and outside. Read this article below to know some of the natural ways that help anybody to get rid of tension and anxiety without taking much efforts. They are as follows,

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  • Consuming organic foods that include leafy greens, nuts, whole grains are rich in a necessary mineral called as magnesium which will have a positive impact on reducing anxiety. Foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids like salmon fish is going to help you in this struggle as well. Food products rich in antioxidants like apple, prunes, beets, plums, turmeric and ginger can be added in the diet to be more focused. Minerals like zinc is very effective in reducing anxiety. So, adding some eggs and oysters to your diet could do the needful.
  • An long time study successfully discovered that individuals who ate food high in B nutrients showed critical upgrades in their uneasiness and stress scores than the individuals who didn’t. Taking a great B-complex enhancement is by and large extremely protected, since B nutrients are water-dissolvable, which means the body discharges what it doesn’t utilize. Make sure you talk about this with your doctor to check if it is safe to take.
  • The greater part of us naturally feel loose and less restless when we’re outside, yet indeed there’s science to back that up. Investing energy in any normal setting brings down our pulse, pulse, and our body’s creation of the pressure chemical cortisol. Some Specialists tracked down that those living close to more green space detailed less mental trouble. If nothing else worked, you could use nootropics to see some real changes.

Search For ‘Spa Near Me In Frisco, TX’

There have been various services that have been brimming in today’s day. Many of these services have made lifestyles easier and more enjoyable. Teenagers, mostly, is inclined to overlooking their care, especially during times like today when they are pressed for time. However, this should not be the case; instead, proper personal care, such as spas, should be taken. Spa near me in Frisco, TX, offers a wide range of spa services. You have access to multiple offerings.

The numerous benefits that are effective to your aesthetics

Spa treatments can be a rejuvenating experience for you as well as a way to get away from the stressful life you’ve been leading. When it comes to spa treatments, you have a host of advantages. A good number of the services offered revolve around the notion of wellbeing. In the spa sector, wellness is vitally pertinent, and there are multiple spa facials and treatments that include several features that are favourable to your skin and overall wellness. It is cost-effective when the pricing is taken into account.

You have access to the latest treatment available

You can gather further info regarding the leading spa treatments available at handandstonemckinney-frisco.com. The excellent spa therapies, including aromatherapy, are enjoyed by both men and women. Day spa treatments are among the most refreshing therapies available, and they are also beneficial to your wellness and aesthetics. It works miracles by focusing on specific parts of your body that stimulate stress-free hormones. Competent and trained practitioners carry out the spa treatments.

Make an appointment and relish the finest spa experience you’ve ever had

If you want to go to a decent spa, all you have to do is search for ‘spa near me in Frisco, TX’ on any search engine you want. You will see results right away. To make things easier for you, you can check out the services offered by one of the best spa treatment services by clicking on the link provided above. The spa treatment uses only the best products for your skin. Skin types differ from person to person, and in these cases, seeking the advice of an experienced practitioner can be extremely beneficial. This is precisely what you will be offered, in addition to improving your aesthetic aspects and ensuring that you are well informed on the products being used. You can learn more about the perks available to you by accessing a range of web resources.

So, what exactly are you waiting for? Fetch and get a hold on to your appointment. You are only a phone call away. By clicking on the provided link, you will be able to obtain detailed contact information. You can make an appointment for yourself or as a couple as well. There are numerous other options to choose from.

How accurate is rapid antigen test for COVID-19 and available locations in Delhi

The COVID-19 is still dominant in most parts of the world, including India. The country is suffering from the second wave of this pandemic. The healthcare sector is trying every possibility to curb the spread of the virus. And the rapid antigen test is one of the three tools doctors are using to confirm the infection in people. Patients can get the result of this rapid test in a few hours or by the end of the day! But is this test accurate? Let us find out!

Rapid Antigen Test in Delhi: Know Its Accuracy

The accuracy of the antigen test is the talk shop in most places. To collect samples for the Rapid Antigen Test in Delhi, the medical professionals insert a small cotton swab to collect mucus and cells from the throat and nose. This swab is applied to a testing strip to see the presence of the virus in the sample. If the strip changes colour, the test is positive. Since this process is less invasive and detailed, the accuracy may differ.

Possibility of False Negative Reports

  • Rapid tests proved to be accurate for 72% of people with prominent symptoms of COVID-19. Some researchers were 95% confident about its accuracy for 79% of people who tested for the virus.
  • The accuracy rate is near about 58% for people who are asymptomatic to the virus.
  • The Rapid Antigen Test in Delhi has been the most accurate when patients submitted their samples in the first week of observing symptoms.

How Brands of Testing Kits Make A Difference

Many healthcare brands have released their COVID-19 rapid test kits that our professionals are using now. As per studies, STANDARD Q has delivered the most accurate results, while Coris Bioconcept has performed the poorest of all. One should go to a clinic that uses the former brand for Rapid Antigen Test in Delhi.

Ways To Rule Out Getting False Results

  • Go to a trusted and reliable clinic or collection centre to get tested.
  • Check the brand of testing kit used to ensure the accuracy of the results.
  • Take the rapid test in the first week of observing the symptoms. If it is later than that, go for RT-PCR tests.

Available Locations For Rapid Antigen Tests In Delhi

With the increasing rush and spread of the virus, finding the best clinic to get Rapid Antigen Test in Delhi is challenging. But the SpiceHealth clinics are available in different opulent locations of the city to help people get the tests done on time. This healthcare firm has established numerous collection centres across the city. Here is where one can go for collection in Delhi.

  • Azadpur Mandi: A clinic is available right near the fruit market at Gate No. 5 in this locality. People living anywhere near this place can also call for home collection services.
  • Rajouri: This collection centre is just by the Vishal Enclave in Nehru Nagar, Raja Garden. It covers a lot of nearby localities to help people with better and fast service.
  • Chattarpur: This centre is in the Dr Ambedkar Colony on the main Chattarpur Road. One can visit the clinic to submit the sample.
  • Rohini: This collection centre is in the School of Excellence, Delhi Government School.
  • Dwarka: This centre is also in the government school at Sector 6 for Rapid Antigen Test in Delhi.

All these centres are offering the best possible services with attainable accuracy to help Covid patients get the exact details. One must contact the collection centres to book slots. Although the accuracy of the rapid tests is questionable, this is the only COVID-19 test that delivers the fastest results. If one has doubts, going for the RT-PCR test is a better option!

The Unknown Benefits Of Using Hemp Products

Health should be one of the most important things people should pay attention to and yet, it is the most neglected. This neglect can be attributed to the busy life people lead in the modern days. With the advancements of technology, things were expected to be more convenient. While life has grown easier, more convenient, and everything has become more accessible, people have somehow grown busier than ever. This has made people ignore their health and there are only a few people who are concerned about their physical and mental well being. They workout consistently, meditate, and take superfoods that will keep them healthy. Hemp seeds are known to have many health benefits and the use of the same can allow people to enjoy good health provided they use it in the right amount.

Hemp seeds are derived from the cannabis Sativa plant. They belong to the same cannabis species but they are of a different variety. The main difference is that hemp seeds do not contain the majority of THC which is a psychoactive compound. Due to this, they do not produce a very high effect and are safe to use. Hemp seeds have a very high nutritional and medicinal profile. They contain rich minerals, proteins, and healthy fats which helps you to keep your health in check and keeps a lot of health issues at bay. They are extremely nutritious and therefore, they are very healthy.


Benefits of hemp seeds

There are many health benefits of hemp seeds and you should know about them when you are considering using them:-

  • It helps in the reduction of heart diseases. Cardiac diseases are one of the major causes of death all around the world. Hemp seeds are rich in amino acid arginine which helps in the production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide relaxes and dilates your blood vessels which lowers your blood pressure and hemos you to prevent heart diseases. Hemp seeds are also rich in linolenic acid acid which helps in the reduction of cholesterol levels.
  • Hemp seeds are additionally rich in healthy fats. If you are suffering from chronic pain and body pain, using hemp seeds can be extremely beneficial because it helps to reduce chronic pain and joint pain and keeps you healthy for a long time.

You can check ministryofhemp.com to learn more about the various benefits of hemp seeds.

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How to take calcium and vitamin d3 tablets

Calcium and Vitamin D3 are vital for pregnant women. It is essential for women who wish to continue having an active lifestyle. They are ideally taken as a combination since it improves the rate of absorption by the body. There are many ways a calcium tablet can be ingested. Some are water-soluble while many of them come in the chewable form. Same with Vitamin D3. The myriad vitamin supplements that are available in the market focus on the overall well-being of the individual, providing them with all the important minerals and nutrients, necessary for the optimal functioning of the body.

Why is Calcium important for the woman’s body?

Calcium is one of the elemental minerals necessary for the creation and functioning of life as we know it. And it is not just limited to the growth and strengthening of the bones and teeth. Calcium is necessary for the blood to clot, the heart to beat and the muscles to contract. While it is true that almost 99% of the calcium is deposited in the bones and teeth, numerous other functions rely on the mineral. The human body loses a large amount of it through sweat and since the body cannot make up its reservoir of the mineral, it must rely on a balanced diet. When there isn’t enough intake of calcium, the body borrows it from the bones. While, as an infrequent action, this would cause no issues, but if it becomes a regular activity, over a period in time, the bones will become weak and brittle.

How much Calcium should a woman need?

There are stipulated dosages of Calcium that women of disparate age groups should ingest:

vitamin d3 tablets

For women above the age of 50 years: 1200 mg daily

For women below the age group of 50 years: 1000 mg daily

For expecting mothers, the dosage depends on the test results. It predictably would be higher than normal times since the loss of the mineral is more. To supplement this loss, the expecting mother would have to be prescribed Calcium tablets, since the diet may not be able to fulfill the shortfall. As mentioned previously, the calcium supplement may be water-soluble dosages or chewable and can be taken in the way directed. It is usually taken with meals since the absorption is better.

Why is Vitamin D3, important for the woman’s body?

The primary task of Vitamin D3 is to assist the body to absorb calcium. This is the reason why both calcium and Vitamin D3 are given as a combination. This combination is also prescribed to those who suffer from Calcium deficiency. Vitamin D3 is also essential for the maintenance and strength of the bones and teeth. Those suffering from Vitamin D3 are likely to experience brittle and weak skeletal structure and increased muscle fatigue.

The usual ways of getting adequate amounts of Vitamin D3 are:

  • Sunlight
  • Food
  • Supplements

However, it is usually the third that becomes a necessity over a while.

How much Vitamin D3 should a woman need?

Like Calcium, there are certain dosages for women relative to their age:

For 55 years and older it needs to be anywhere between 800-1000 IU

For 55 years and younger, it can be a bit less than that.

However, for women who are expecting, the dosage will vary as per the tests. But it will certainly be more than the normal times because, during pregnancy, the mother ends up losing a large number of minerals and micro-nutrients, since it gets transferred to the child in the womb.

There are two types of Vitamin D, namely vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). Both are good for the health of the bone. However, it needs to be prescribed by a medical practitioner. It is also essential that the dosage prescribed be adhered to.

Medical Conditions arising out of Calcium deficiency

There are severe medical conditions that may appear due to calcium-Vitamin D3 deficiency:

  • Bone loss or osteoporosis is one of the most common ailments arising out of it.
  • Weak bones or rickets is another ailment like bone loss
  • Decreased activity of the parathyroid gland or hypoparathyroidism
  • Muscle ailments like latent tetany

If the correct amount of Calcium is not available to pregnant women, then both the mother and the child are in danger of contracting severe medical conditions. The fetus may undergo partial skeletal and nervous development. The child may be stillborn or premature and might not be able to survive for long.